Workplace Impairment Detection – A Report!
Impairment detection and its history
Workplace impairment detection is not a new concept. This form of testing at the workplace has been started during the late 1980s and early 1990s immediately after a mandate for testing on the consumption of drugs for the employees of the federal. This was conducted to ensure that the work environment remains safe and productive as well.
These tests were basically done for workplace fatigue. As the consumption of alcohol and drugs leads to fatigue so this was a way to detect if the employee had drugs before coming to work. In fact, this test had been a benchmark for every type of cognitive fatigue often leading to unsuccessful results as most employees were reluctant to it. In fact, there were incorrect results too after the tests were conducted.
The impact of cannabis and workplace impairment detection
Gradually over the years, the consumption of cannabis for recreational purposes has started to gain legal acceptance in some countries. This has opened the door to the legal access of the product to people through the rising number of dispensaries across the cities and online as well. Now, it has become all the more mandatory to run the test of its detection in the workplace.
Impairment at the workplace results from various factors and it surely needs to be addressed and taken care of. This not only shall ensure the safety of the workplace but also help to identify the real cause behind the slowness and fatigue in the employee.
Factors about impairment testing
There are two major indicators that lead to workplace impairment detection. First is the lagging indicators and the other is the leading indicators.
Laggingindicators: more popularly known as the trailing indicators, in which the evaluation is based on a number of factors. Some of the factors are the number of incidents, claims for compensation by the workers, and also the previous history of regularity compliance too are taken into account. Here, the measurement of the lagging indicators only does not proves to be much beneficial or safe because it ends up creating a false impression that it is safe.
Leading indicators: these are rather more anticipatory in nature than fact-based. It only helps in answering some of the questions to validate the safety.
All such loopholes and lags in the tests have now been easily taken care of by modern technology that detects the issue accurately. This has led the tests to become more flexible, accessible, and insightful having accurate data to back them. Gaize, Inc. has come up with the
Gaize is an automated impairment testing device that runs an eye test to detect the consumption of drugs. This is the same test that is run by law officials to evaluate. But what makes it very different and accurate this time is that by using the Gaize, you have the exact report and video evidence on the movement of the eyes. And in addition to that, there shall be data to back this entire test. With the support of the makers of this device, you shall have a more accurate and specific report.
Workplace Impairment Detection with Gaize, Inc.
Gaize, Inc. has now brought into the market a very new and powerful product using which one can easily be able to make workplace impairment detection with precision and accuracy. This device looks more like a virtual and real headset having binocular cameras of high resolution that detect and records the movement of the eyes very accurately while running the test. And once the test gets over it gives accurate automated eye testing results on the impairment detection.
Although it is now only available for law officials but, this device shall also prove to be very beneficial in businesses as well. Been priced very reasonably anyone who requires its needs shall be able to buy it very easily. Along with performing the SFSTs correctly, it shall also interpret the results accurately. Being a fully automated highly advanced device, it leaves no room for human errors or giving false allegations to someone.
Until now the SFSTs tests have only been subjective but from here on it is going to be data backed test. The manufacturers of this device have observed that previously there were no such tests that were backed by data and so when matters went up to the court the accused often felt the decision unfair. This device now gives a fair chance to both, the employer and the employee who has been charged with impairment detection. Gaize conducts eye tests for SFST detection in a more automated manner where human indulgence is hardly required. And so it provides accurate results as well.
A report states nearly 5% of employees drive to the workplace drunk. So indeed keeping in view the safety measures of the workplace, this device for automated eye testing with recording to detect is surely a groundbreaking innovation.
How Gaize works
This simple and robust device gives you a detailed impairment analysis with a report and an automated video recording. This DRE eye test delivers accurate reports because one can never control the movement of the eyes. So, when a person is accused of workplace impairment, the movement of his eyes is monitored closely using this device without human intervention. It brings up the report as the truth. The few things that it checks are the lack of smooth movement of the eyes, distinct deviation in the gaze for both the vertical and horizontal movement of the eyes, and also rebound of pupil along with a lack in the convergence.
More to that, the data of these tests are securely stored and gets backed up too for emergency situations. It surely makes the tests and gets the records that are needed for making a judgment accurately and confidently. For sure, during this post covid era, this is the most accurate form of device that you can ever find for workplaceimpairmentdetection. This device is also very easy to use anytime when the need for making such a test arises.