Missing Crossfit? Work out at home with the best this quarantine
With gyms being shut down thanks to the quarantine, your workout routine has most likely taken a hit. At home workouts just aren’t the same as 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights. It’s stressful trying to stay active through everything going on.
Sure, you can’t toss a truck tire around at home, but there’s still plenty of high intensity workouts you can do right in your living room. If you’re currently enrolled in CrossFit and want to keep up the hard work from home, plenty of workouts exist online to get your blood going. Try some of these top ranked at home CrossFit workouts to get going!
Mini “MURPH”
In case you don’t have a pull up bar at home, this shortened version of the classic workout has you going for a mile run, 100 push-ups, 200 air squats, and another mile run for a cool down.
Death By _____
A great endurance workout, you pick your own poison: Push-ups, burpees, or air squats. You start doing a rep a minute, at the top of the minute. Each minute adds another rep, and you keep going until you can’t do the required reps a minute.
Similar to the MURPH, you’ll start and end with a mile long run. But in between, you’ll be doing 100 sit-ups and 100 Supermans. Get your core a good workout through all this.
Jug workouts
Since you can’t use weights, get yourself a full gallon of milk or juice, and use that in your 30 minute workout. Alternate between 5 deadlifts and 5 lunges, taking a break after 15 reps of each.
See how quickly you can knock out 50 rounds of the following: one burpee, one push-up, one jumping jack, one sit-up, and one handstand.
Living Room Mash 4
An intense downward ladder workout, you’ll start with 10 burpees, 20 chair dips, and 30 sit-ups. Decrease by one burpee, two chair dips, and 3 sit-ups each time you complete the reps.
2 minute burpee burnout
Get ready to really hate burpees after this workout. In 2 minutes, get 10 burpees, a 200m sprint, and as many burpees as you can in 2 minutes. Take a break for 3 minutes, and repeat 4 times.
Truly a workout for the century, see how long it takes you to do 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats. Of course, if you’re not at a 100 rep mark yet, you can sub 100 reps for 60 of each.
10 rounds of 20
Get your core and legs in shape with 10 rounds of the following: 20 mountain climbers, 20 sit-ups, 20 air squats, and 20 lunges. No running involved to get your legs sculpted.
7 minute AMRAP
Get your AMRAP (as many reps as possible) workout in with 10 lunges, 10 mountain climbers, and 10 push-ups. See how many you can do in 7 minutes.
Even without weights, there’s plenty of endurance workouts to get your entire body shaped to perfection until you can get back in the gym. Use whatever you can in your home to work out, but don’t feel bad if all you can use is your own body.
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