8 Things You Need to Know About Japanese Kimonos
Clothing is very symbolic of various cultures and traditions. Even though fashion is continually evolving, there are many traditional pieces that stick with each fashion trend.
One of those pieces of clothing is the Kimono, which is a Japanese garment that has long been deemed beautiful and stylish. In fact, the kimono can be worn by both males and females.
With the rich history that is associated with the kimono, it is probably one of the coolest pieces that you can have in your wardrobe.
To further inspire you to own and wear this unique piece of clothing, we have rounded up everything you need to know about the Japanese kimono.
1. The Traditional Dress of Japan
The kimono is a traditional Japanese clothing that is also the official dress of Japan. Designed to have long sleeves that reach the wrists and a length that equally reaches the heels, the Kimono can be worn for many different types of occasions.
While back in the day they were reserved for very formal occasions, today the kimono can also be worn for more casual occasions too. Regardless of why you are wearing it, the material of the kimono will remain the same—silk material with a wide belt to tie it with.
2. Dates Back to the Wu Dynasty
While the kimono is linked to the rich Japanese history, it actually was first worn in China during the Wu dynasty. In fact, it is the Chinese during the 1600s that influenced the initial creation of Kimonos. Over time, the details of the kimonos and who could wear them changed, but the distinctive silky style will always be attributed to the original Chinese kimono.
3. Designed for Every Type of Body
Another reason that the kimono is such a long-standing piece of clothing is the fact that it was literally designed to support every type of body shape—even all those centuries ago. This is why since the beginning both males and females have been able to enjoy wearing a kimono and why it has always been referred to as a unisex style.
4. Represents Good Fortune
The Japanese culture is really tuned into good fortune and longevity. The kimono to them represents exactly that, which is why it is such an important part of their society. To the outside world, the kimono is a symbol of Japan. But to Japan, the kimono is a symbol of prosperity and a good life.
5. Colors Change with the Seasons
When it comes to kimonos, the colors will continue to change with the seasons. This means that you will want multiple to choose from throughout the year. In the spring, light and hopeful colors like green and yellow are worn on kimonos. In summer, cooling colors like dark blue are worn. In the fall and winter, strong colors like black and red are often selected.
Regardless of the colors, there is always an intricate embroidery design to choose from, which is incorporated to enhance the silky colors.
But for those very traditional Japanese occasions, there are specific types of kimonos to be worn. Men will wear a black silk kimono also called a montsuki and wear it over traditional Japanese pants.
6. There are Many Layers
Did you know that kimonos have twelve different layers? While many kimonos today do not have all twelve layers, the traditional ones do. The layers do cause the kimono to be heavier and the original designs are not as commonly worn these days.
7. They are Hand Crafted
Kimonos are beautiful pieces of clothing. That is why they often have a large cost associated with it. There is a lot of time, effort, and skill that goes into creating a kimono, with no ability o make mass production of them. The seams and finishes of the kimono require a big level of skill and often blind stitches.
Plus, the materials the kimonos are made with are more expensive too. Using the likes of hemp, linen, and silk, kimonos are designed to look elegant, feel elegant and be elegant. And elegance always comes with a price tag.
8. Available to All Now
Back in the day, kimonos were reserved for Japanese and not available to the Western world. However, as the times have evolved, kimonos can be purchased in other countries now. In fact, it is one of the most stylish pieces of clothing you can have in your wardrobe these days.
You do not have to be Japanese to wear a kimono. If you do wear it and want to fully embrace the Japanese culture, you should also be mindful of the types of accessories you wear and how you do your hair.
Wearing a kimono brings good fortune and prosperity—so why not wear your own today?