From Television Appearances to Opening for Kanye West, Kyle Dendy Shares His Words of Hope
When Kyle Dendy was in high school, all he desired was to play sports in college. Attending the camps, performing great on the field etc. had him believing that this dream could be realized. That was until 2015 when he had two surgeries in that same year that ended his chances to play at the next level.
As a high school athlete, Kyle was devastated, but little did he know these injuries would be a blessing in disguise and set him up for world class opportunities in the near future.
While recovering from surgery, he started filming himself making little videos of inspiration. When the feedback was positive, he quickly realized that he had a gift to speak and inspire, and he set a goal to become a successful motivational speaker. Opportunities started out small like school speech competitions and civic club meetings, but those opportunities started growing fast.
“I never felt like small opportunities were small,” said Kyle. “If 3 people were in the room to hear me speak, I gave it the same amount of effort and preparation I would give if thousands were in the crowd. When I first got started calling myself a speaker, nobody recognized me as a speaker except for me. I think that’s often a characteristic of people who do big things though.
They see what’s happening in their life before the world does, and it’s that vision that is required to stick things out long enough to be successful.”
By the time Kyle left high school in 2016, he had already started working on his second book and had been invited to speak at a number of events as a motivational speaker. When a friend then connected him with the producers of the Life Today television show, opportunities began to accelerate for him. After his interview aired, the then 18 year old speaker received speaking invites from countries around the world overnight.
When he shared the television episode online, it was quickly seen by tens of millions of people on Facebook alone.
Over the years that followed, Kyle continued to travel and speak while he studied business in college. This included business events, community gatherings, churches, conferences and even a weekly night of inspiration he held on his college campus every week. At these Power of Purpose meetings, Kyle and his friends invited the entire college community to hear him speak about them having a purpose and potential in their lives.
On some occasions, the room his team set up in was packed out. On other days, only a few people came, but the energy Kyle brought did not change no matter what the size of the audience was.
It was just a few years later that his speaking opportunities went to another level. He had the opportunity to open for Kanye West and the Sunday Service Choir on a number of occasions including Lakewood Church in Houston with Joel Osteen. Millions have heard Kyle speak online and thousands more on these speaking tours, but the best is truly to come for the now 23 year old speaker from Dallas.
“Your life can really change in a moment”, says Kyle. “You never know who is watching which is why it’s so important not to judge success by what you think you see.
There could be one person in the crowd that can introduce you to another world of opportunities, but if you treat small opportunities with contempt, you’re likely to fumble future opportunities. My best advice to people getting started in any industry is to get clear on why you’re there.
If it’s for the flashy things you see in the lives of others, you’ll probably quit before you realize those things because someone’s Instagram reel doesn’t take into account their years or even decades of experiences. If you’re in it because of a conviction that it’s where you’re supposed to be, you’ll be successful if you never give up.”
You can learn more about Kyle on Instagram @KyleDendy.