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We're thrilled to announce Katherine McNamara (Clary Fray of 'Shadowhunters') will be attending Heroes of the Shadow World! Here's how you can meet her.

Here’s how to meet ‘Shadowhunters”s Katherine McNamara in NYC

Shadowhunters is a huge favorite of ours, and we want nothing more than to see the story continue. The series, which follows Clary Fray (Katherine McNamara) as she discovers that she is a Shadowhunter (cross between human and angel), has earned a place in our hearts, and on our SaveSaturdays list. There is nothing better than watching Clary become the empowered Shadowhunter she evolves to be.

If you’re a member of the Shadowfam, you’ll probably know about the hottest event of the next decade, Heroes of the Shadow World, taking place in New York City home of the Shadowhunters Institute. 

We’re thrilled to announce our queen Katherine McNamara (a.k.a. Clary Fray) will be attending the event and that fans will be able to get some facetime with our favorite angel-blooded Shadowhunter. What’s more is we’ve teamed up with the convention to offer one lucky Shadowhunter a free flight to the convention, convention tickets and one on one time with Katherine McNamara. 

Before you enter our contest (scroll to the bottom to enter) we’ve compiled our top 5 reasons that Clary Fray is the best. Don’t forget to tell us how much you love her.

Clary’s strong as hell

Clary’s eighteenth birthday is awful. She finds out not only that she’s a Shadowhunter, but also that her mother, Jocelyn, has been kidnapped by rogue Shadowhunters, known as The Circle. 

Clary is the perfect example of not knowing how strong you can be until you’re tested. Clary wasn’t prepared to take on the challenges she faces until she has no choice. Then she stepped up in a major way.

Clary also shows us that strength that can be found through surrounding yourself with the right people. She teams up with other Shadowhunters and grows her skills by learning to fight. Clary begins as a somewhat reluctant hero but manages to grow into the badass she was born to be.

Clary’s fiercely loyal

Clary’s loyalty is displayed from the very first episode. She will stop at nothing to save her mother, but her loyalty extends past just her family. Clary steps up for her fellow Shadowhunters over and over again, whether she’s sacrificing her memories to save Jace, or choosing to forego safety to protect her friends, Clary isn’t a stranger to making big sacrifices for her fellow Shadowhunters. 

Even some of Clary’s biggest mistakes are made out of love and loyalty. She proves time and time again that being there for the people she loves is most important, and we totally need her as our BFF.

Clary isn’t perfect

One of the most refreshing things about Clary is that she makes a mess of things sometimes. She isn’t some perfect superhero who swoops in and saves the day every time. Clary shows that life is messy and that no one can do everything perfectly. Even a Shadowhunter

Sometimes Clary trusts people she shouldn’t, and sometimes she makes decisions based on emotion rather than logic. However, Clary is a fully developed character, who has to overcome major traumas and experiences loss. The fact that those experiences don’t fade with the end of the episode, but contribute to her character over time makes her the most relatable Shadowhunter of the series.

Clary lifts up her other strong girls

We love that Clary isn’t trying to compete with her friends. We are sick of the mean girl trope, where everyone is a frenemy. We love nothing more than watching Clary and Isabelle (Emeraude Toubia) have each other’s backs. Isabelle and Clary became Shadowhunter besties from the very beginning. 

Whether they’re in makeover mode or removing demon possessions, Clary and Isabelle don’t turn their backs on each other. Their dynamic gives us faith in the team as a whole.

Clary questions rules & norms

Clary hasn’t grown up with all of the rules and prejudices that the rest of the Shadowhunters have, and she isn’t afraid to disagree. Their culture has a tendency to be self-centered and to look down on mundanes, only saving them out of duty.

Clary is ready to defend mundanes and innocents because she cares about them, and she wants to. She can’t see the differences that the Shadowhunters see because she wasn’t raised with their beliefs. Clary’s ability to stand up for what she believes in, among both her friends and enemies makes her a total boss babe in our book.

Convinced? Here’s what you could win by entering our contest

Enter our contest to attend the event of the new decade with prizes worth over $1500.


  • The contest is open to all regardless of location.
  • US residents get their full flight covered free.
  • Non-US residents receive a $500 voucher to use for their chosen flight.
  • Prizes are non-transferrable and have no cash alternative.

Enter Now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  • I like Clary for many reasons but most because she knows her own mind and is not afraid to stand up for it and what she believes in.

    December 11, 2019
  • Fantastic chance to win such an amazing trip & to meet Katherine McNamara, and all the others of course who will be there. Yes she is strong, loyal, love’s family and interacts with her Shadowfam! We luv her 100% and this opportunity gives a chance to someone less fortunate to get to meet her. Thank you Film Daily truly an awesome thing.

    December 12, 2019
  • Thanks film daily for offering another chance to win an amazing trip and to meet Kat McNamara! ❤️??

    December 12, 2019
  • Clary is a great role model. Not for how perfect she is but how hard she works to improve. She also works to understand what the other characters point of view were. The episode about the murders of shadowhunters and when DNA collection was started. Clary not only listened to Simon’s reason for not providing a sample but then championed it.

    Kat is a brilliant actress but also seems to be a beautiful person. That and she’s a knitter so she has to be great.

    December 12, 2019
  • Thank you so much for this amazing contest! It’s really sweet and the winner will be so lucky. I participate and hope to win. Seeing Kat and going to NYC, so both at the same time? It would be a dream come true. Kat is my biggest inspiration and my role model. But also my hero on and off screen. I love her to the fullest. ❤

    December 13, 2019
  • Kat is just the sweetest human bean out there! It would be such a privilege to meet her.

    Thanks for all you do for the ShadowFam, you are the best!!

    December 13, 2019
  • Thanks for offering another way to win!

    December 13, 2019
  • Thank you guys for this oportunity ,i think it will be the best gift ever !

    December 14, 2019
  • This is an amazing chance to go to this wonderful convention, the opportunity for ones having a hard time making it happen for ourselves. Kat Is strong and a good influence, plus Shadowfam, cast and everyone involved in this is totally awesome!! Especially for offering this! Fingers crossed ?

    December 14, 2019
  • Meeting Kat would be such a dream! ?

    December 14, 2019
  • Film Daily making Shadowfam dreams come true!

    December 14, 2019
  • Kat is an awesome person she played Clary like no one else could. She put her own spin to that character. Clary is a true warrior and life has been hard and seeing Clary since season one walking into the shadow world and just going with it and learning, fighting, and accepting it. Has been an inspiration about life, new beginnings, changes, and growing. And how love is the key and main motivation in life and that it makes us strong and we can use it to our advantage and it doesn’t make us weaker on the contrary makes us stronger. To not let others define you that only you can define yourself and that family is an important asset to have by your side blood related and non blood related. The type of person that is loving and just doesn’t give up hope and will keep on fighting until the very end. Willing to hear both sides of the story and give her emotional and logical view on things. Powerful, determine, smart, badass, and selfless person. Clary is a true inspiration and that it is ok to not be perfect, to make mistakes and be your true self. Everything I just said about Clary goes stright to Kat as well she made all this for her character. Kat was the best choice for this roll because she is the type of person that can change your life in a good way to let you see that if the sun is shinin things can’t be that bad to always look at the brighter things in life. Just how every Monday she puts a motivational quote . Kat is the sweetest person and it would be an honor to meet her in person.

    December 14, 2019
  • Fingers crossed!

    December 14, 2019
  • I love Clary, she clearly makes some mistake during her journey but every time she fights for what she loves and she never ever gives up.
    Tins really sad that We don’t have the opportunity to see more with a season 4 but that’s life !!!

    December 14, 2019
  • Y’all are so sweet, offering all these chances to win. No matter who wins, you are giving someone a dream come true.

    December 14, 2019
  • You are awesome guys!! I’d love to win this and go to New York!! So, count me in!

    December 14, 2019
  • Kat is a generous and inspiring person. I’m so excited about the NY con. Finally a chance to meet the cast and thank them for what they have given me. Thanks Film Daily for supporting the Shadowfam!

    December 15, 2019
  • Thank you soooooo much for this big opportunity ! Visit NYC is my dream and also go on a SH con ! Thanks to you it could be possible and this is amazing !!! ?

    December 15, 2019
  • Clary is one of my favourite character, she’s inspirational and beautiful.

    December 15, 2019
  • Thanks @filmdaily for your amazing #Shadowhunters articles!

    December 15, 2019
  • I want to go to this convention soo bad , its a once-in-a-lifetime oportunity!
    And thanks again to Film daily News !

    December 15, 2019
  • thanks again to Film daily News !

    December 15, 2019
  • That’s very kind of you to give us so many ways to participate ?

    December 16, 2019
  • Great #Shadowhunters article @filmdailynews!

    December 16, 2019
  • Another day, another chance to meet my idol! Thanks again Film Daily News!!

    December 16, 2019
  • Meeting Kat would be unbelievable!!! Fingers crossed!!! Thank you Film Daily for supporting the Shadowfam and making dreams come true!!!

    December 16, 2019
  • @filmdailynews Beautiful article about a beautiful young lady… and occasional badass! #saveshadowhunters #nyshadowcon

    December 17, 2019
  • Imagine winning this!!! I’d shout it from the roofs!!

    December 17, 2019
  • @filmdailynews I just want Kat to hold me and tell me that everything will be alright!

    December 18, 2019
  • I’m keeping my fingers crossed, thank you again for this x

    December 18, 2019
  • I really hope to win this ?

    December 18, 2019
  • Thank you again for the opportunity ☺

    December 18, 2019
  • ???

    December 18, 2019
  • @filmdailynews Thanks for offering another way to meet our Kat! #SaveShadowhunters

    December 19, 2019
  • NYC and Shadowhunters? This has to be the ultimate giveaway! Dreams really do come true (??)

    December 19, 2019
  • Trying again today, thank you for the opportunity ☺

    December 19, 2019
  • I really have hope thanks to you ?

    December 19, 2019
  • It would be such a dream !!

    December 19, 2019
  • I really really wish I vould win this…

    December 19, 2019
  • I’m a HUGE fan of Kat, this would be so amazing!

    December 19, 2019
  • @filmdailynews Our Queen is coming home to #nyshadowcon. We better spuce up the place ?

    December 20, 2019
  • Hi! Busy week but I haven’t forgotten my love for Shadowhunters or Film Daily. Please enter me in the NY Shadowcon contest again.

    December 20, 2019
  • I would be beyond thrilled to go to NYC. Not only is it my favorite city, meeting Kat and everyone else is something that, for someone like me, only happens once in a lifetime.

    December 20, 2019
  • I would love to meet Katherine McNamara! She is my role model, I’ve wanted to be an actress since I was kid but I never had the confidence then when I saw Kat on screen and always being her kind self and giving people advice to follow their dreams it’s like she woken up a light in me to follow my dream no matter the difficulties. I would love to meet Kat and tell her how much of a wonderful person she is and tell her how she helped me gain confidence and overcome my fears.

    December 21, 2019
  • Fingers Crossed!

    December 21, 2019
  • First of all I want to say thank you to Film Daily for this ultimate giveaway of a lifetime to meet Kat McNamara!!! Dreams really do come true if you dream big!!! Also It would be my first time going to NYC which is a place I have always wanted to go to since I was younger and second a shadowhunters con with everything shadowhunters related hell to the yes and on top of that to meet the one and only talented Kat McNamara who brought Clary Fray makes me want to do my happy dance!!! Oh yeah I can’t forget about the shadowhunters crew that did everything behind the scenes to make the show come to life you guys are unbelievably talented and can’t wait to see what you have in store for the shadowfam!!!Crossing my fingers for good luck ????

    December 21, 2019
  • It would be so amazing to be able to join the convention in NY, I’ve never been to the US and it would be so exciting!! ?

    December 22, 2019
  • Thank you for this chance, I’d love to be able to attends this amazing event ! x

    December 22, 2019
  • You’re amazing, I truly hope I could go to NY for this convention with the best lineup ?

    December 22, 2019
  • Going to this convention and meeting Kat McNamara and the rest of the cast/crew would be a dream come true! I will be graduating with my Masters degree in May 2020 and this would be such a special way to celebrate. I would also love to ask Kat how in the world she manages to work towards her Masters degree while also acting! She has been such a huge inspiration for me during my schooling and I would so appreciate the opportunity to tell her that in person! Thanks so much film daily for this amazing prize!

    December 22, 2019

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