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You don't even need to live where you're from if you're a remote worker. Jacob Darby breaks down the best places to live in South America for freelancers.

Jacob Darby Breaks Down the Best Latin America Countries for Remote Workers

Working remotely has never been essential until the pandemic struck in 2020. Companies and businesses were forced to allow their employees to work remotely, and it has now become the new norm. 

This has been the case for close to two years with no signs of fully changing. Recent studies indicate that an estimated 75% of the workforce will be working from home over the next three years. More remote working implies a spark in how you can work remotely far from your home.

Digital nomads are part of the groups that find it easy to work from anywhere in the world. The majority of them have moved from the office and are now working from the comfort of their living rooms or a café enjoying a cup of coffee. 

The Latin American region is one of the preferred destinations for working remotely. It gives the perfect blend of office and vacation experience that many seek to experience.

Jacob Darby is an adventuring entrepreneur and a thriving digital expert in building businesses in Latin America. Darby has created a successful marketing career living in Latin America while working remotely from the Mexican beaches. 

An experienced marketer, Darby has generated millions in sales for his diverse clients exceeding their expectations. Last year alone, he made over five million dollars in online revenue for his clients while working remotely.  

Before settling in Mexico, Darby had spent the last seven years moving from one city to another. He has visited and lived in over 30 countries, including almost every Latin American country. He has been constantly looking for the best and ideal country for remote workers, especially those looking to build million-dollar businesses in the online space.

His adventures have led him to settle on Mexico as one of the ideal countries he considers the best for any remote worker in Latin America. 

Mexico is one of the well-exposed countries with advanced infrastructure. This makes the country easy and convenient to live and work in. Darby considers accessibility as one of the key factors for any traveler, and Mexico definitely has it right.

Mexico has numerous safe cities such as Guadalajara and Mexico City that you can work from. Darby highlights the two cities to be among the safest cities to wander around without much worry. You definitely don’t want to get robbed of your possessions like he did a few years ago in San Salvador and Mazatlán. 

Mexico’s safety stretches to the beaches, and you have the Playa del Carmen and Puerto Vallarta to visit. Darby himself is constantly hooked on the Mexico beaches, and that’s where you are likely to find him. The beaches are not only refreshing but peaceful, giving you the needed work atmosphere. 

Panama is another great country that Darby considers great for working remotely. Panama city is an excellent destination for digital nomads and remote workers. It is the best city in Central America and has one of the best internet networks in the region.

Any digital nomad will agree with Darby about Peru, particularly Lima city. Darby points out that you can find everything you need to make your working remotely enjoyable in the country. The safe areas like Miraflores will fascinate you, not to mention the breathtaking ocean views.

You can get more information from Darby on his Instagram page.

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