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Is tonight date night? Plan a spectacular, unforgettable movie night with someone special! Check out these tips to make tonight perfect with ease!

5 Romantic Film Tips: How to Make Your Date Unforgettable

You’re messaging back and forth online. The heat is building up. This new man or woman feels like the perfect match because you enjoy talking about every topic under the sun. There is an ease between you that feels like you’ve known each other forever. It’s like summer camp or fourth-grade puppy love all over again! What a great feeling! However, you’re hoping to take this chatting relationship online to the next level. Online communications must shift to in-person dating for something deeper to evolve. This is when you need the movie date.

The Movie Date

Planning a date with a Flirtini romantic match is easy since they’ll most likely be connected to you with the app’s intellectual algorithms, analyzing your psychological compatibility, yet it still is important. This task can fall to the man or woman in the pairing, and it feels like a huge task if you’re new to the dating game. Choose the wrong movie, and your date won’t have a good time. Choose the right movie, and the chemistry will build-up before the show ends. It’s up to you and your partner to create a mood of intimacy without adding pressure for more to happen. If your date feels comfortable during the movie date, the ground will be set for future romantic encounters.

  1. Ask your online dating partner to list his/her favorite actors and actresses. This will go a long way towards finding the right movie for this occasion. Let’s step back and break this down for a minute, though. If you were chatting on a dating app, this person might be someone who lives in your neighborhood. They might walk over to the date, or you might be driving around the block for Netflix and chill. It’s probably not the right time to bring out your copy of Fifty Shades of Grey (unless your date is dropping hints that a spicy flick is desired).
  2. Inquire if there is a film time period or genres that your partner prefers, such as Victorian England (think Jane Austen films) or something involving war, such as King Arthur starring Keira Knightley and Clive Owen. If she’s into anime or film noir, you might need an Amazon Prime or Netflix membership to find the right film. It’s understandable that you need a day to Google these film choices before having a movie date. Ask for more time if needed.
  3. Have at least three movie choices in mind. You need an action film, a romantic comedy, and a drama handy. If the romantic film is a no-go, these other genres are great backups. Dating online is tough because you don’t receive much nonverbal feedback from your partner. You don’t know all their likes and dislikes, and, if you haven’t met them, you might choose a film that offends them.
  4. Don’t pick a move that’s too long. A Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman epic like Far and Away is romantic. It’s full of ups and downs between two people who finally end up together. However, realistically, three hours is too long for a movie date. Two better choices are Letters to Juliet and Under the Tuscan Sun, which take you and your snuggle bunny on a romantic trip through Tuscany without boring you. After the movie, there is time for discussion of what you liked and disliked about the film. Hopefully, your conversation will lead to other insights about your new partner and a future date.
  5. Go with the sappy but time-tested movie of all time: The Notebook. This love story, kind of like Forrest Gump, follows the intersecting lives of lovers through decades. It starts with how they are young and in love and shares the end of their lives too. Their romance is something that never leaves them, even when they’ve lost their wits.

You and your partner might be a sucker for romance, and there’s no shame in that. You know the choice of a movie is merely a plan for the evening. However, there should be physical sparks flying between you and your date for the night to be memorable. Understandably, movie dates are not the best choice for a first date, whether you’re going to the cinema or watching Netflix. Movies discourage two-way conversations. Once you meet your date online, you imagine moving in together and having the cutest kids, or, at least, having a great time together. That sort of relationship requires learning the art of conversation and everything about your partner, which is why our advice is to move movies to the third or fourth date when you know each other relatively well and now need to test your compatibility with movies you both like. 

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