Fact check: Did a child get expelled over their mom’s OnlyFans account?
OnlyFans has gotten extremely popular since the start of lockdown, but how public are its adult accounts? It seems after a Catholic mother was found on the application, her children were actually kicked out of school. Let’s see what went down.
Old school
According to Jezebel, forty-four year old mother Crystal Jackson, was publicly humiliated when her three children were kicked out from their Sacramento, California Catholic school on Sunday. Apparently the head of the school was not accepting of Jackson’s OnlyFans account and thought this form of modeling was inappropriate.
Apparently Crystal Jackson wasn’t looking for the attention of her children’s school, but rather her husband’s affection. She explained to NBC: “I went through menopause early and I was just like, wanting to have a connection with my husband again.”
The couple has been married for fourteen years and Crystal Jackson’s husband Chris has joined in on the OnlyFans action. In fact, Jezebel noted that Chris has also posted content alongside various “sexy stories” that the couple share.
But their OnlyFans account Mrs. Poindexter started to get attention after their posts labelled “hot wife” blew up and brought the parents-of-three, a monthly income between $15,000 to $150,000.
Paying the price
With over 500,000 followers on the OnlyFans account, the couple feels better than ever. Crystal Jackson expressed that she’s happy that she created the account as it brought her a new sense of confidence. Jackson has glorified the application and stated that she actually felt “sexy”. She doesn’t just pose in lingerie but she also posts “after work” video clips where she undresses into more comfortable clothing.
However, this new level of confidence struck a nerve with the Catholic school that her children attended after an interview with The Sun (UK). Crystal Jackson told The Sun: “Someone came across my account and suddenly I had mums from school texting me and leaving voicemails saying I had to leave the school.”
Jackson further explained: “Some women from my area actually printed out pictures I posted on my OnlyFans and mailed them to the principal of my children’s school.”
Not only were these pictures all over the school, but the Jackson family were blasted by many mothers from the school. In fact, Mrs Pointdexter stated that their local priest & bishop were brought into the situation and apparently created a Facebook group to share images and gossip about them.
After Crystal Jackson’s modeling pictures were the talk of the school, she received many complaints from the school including her second grader’s teacher removing her as a “room mother”.
School’s out
Per Jezebel, the Sacred Heart Parish principal Theresa Sparks was quick to let the public know that she reportedly didn’t want to get involved in the situation but after The Sun (UK) article was published, she had to think of her students.
Theresa Sparks’s statement to KCRA: “Your (Crystal Jackson) apparent quest for high-profile controversy in support of your adult website is in direct conflict with what we hope to impart to our students and is directly opposed to the policies laid out in our Parent/Student Handbook.”
The Catholic principal Theresa Sparks added: “We therefore require that you find another school for your children and have no further association with ours.”
Moving on
The Jackson family is moving on from the Sacred Heart Parish drama and are currently looking for a new school & church for their children to attend. Though the family is extremely sad by the situation, they don’t feel like they’ve changed much since creating the OnlyFans account, as Crystal claimed: “I’m still the same Crystal I was, like, two years ago.”
Do you think the school handled the OnlyFans situation correctly? Did Crystal Jackson’s children deserve to get expelled? Let us know in the comments below.