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It has often been said that truth is stranger than fiction. Here are the best true stories that can be transformed into screenplays.

Three True Stories That Could Make Excellent Screenplays

It has often been said that truth is stranger than fiction. This is actually one of the many reasons why some of the best screenplays in history have been based off of real-world events. Of course, some of these treatments are more recognisable than others. Examples include the sinking of the Titanic, Schindler’s List and Apollo 13. 

Have you been looking for a bit of inspiration before taking a leap into such a creative project? If so, a bit of realism could make all of the difference in the world. Let’s take a look at three examples of how relatively recent events could eventually make their way onto the silver screen. 

The Rise and Fall of Donald Trump

In truth, this first idea represents more of a tragedy than a comedy. When Donald Trump unexpectedly rose to the office of President of the United States, many individuals from all walks of life were not certain whether the news was a joke or actual reality. Since this time, Trump has been mired in controversy, speculation and many fear that he could qualify for office once again in the 2024 US elections.

To be clear, this would not be a rags-to-riches screenplay. It would rather demonstrate the immutable fact that power corrupts while simultaneously exposing the current fractured nature of politics within the United States. We can only hope that the screenwriter chooses to end the story on a positive note!

The Arabian Knights Jackpot Winner

Virtual casinos have a wide selection of online games, which can make for a great movie script. A good theme could be related to the development of some of the most well-known slot machines available in the market, or the creation of the first virtual casinos, in a style similar to “The Social Network.”

Another possible and very interesting story could be about how an entirely anonymous person managed to win $38 million in virtual slot machines. In the case of this man (or woman), the story could speculate on what their life was like before the prize and how it changed dramatically afterwards. The script could explore how people change after an unexpected event in their life, in this case, a positive one.  

The 2008 Financial Meltdown

It is actually a bit of a surprise that no screenplays have yet been dedicated to the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. Estimated to have wiped an incredible $7.4 trillion dollars off of the map, many portions of the world are still recovering from its initial effects. Thus, a screenplay could involve the root causes, how individual countries reacted and why a greater level of fiscal oversight was implemented soon after. Of course, there is no doubt that the writer will put a personal spin on the events mentioned above. 

Writing a screenplay from scratch requires time, effort and confidence. Perhaps one of the concepts outlined here will eventually be transformed into Oscar-worthy material! No one is ever truly certain of what the future has in store. 

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