Trusted: Top Lushentic Grade Sellers in 2023 that accepts Credit Cards
In the shady world of online replica bags and imitation bags, customers on one hand are attracted to the prospect that there are, in fact, perfectly made imitation bags and replica bags of designer brands produced mainly from mainland China. A popular term for the highest grade and best imitation items are called the infamous Lushentic grade. On the other hand, however, there is real, understandable paraonia stemming from the fact that some of these “sellers” are actually fraudsters which lures people into paying them and running away with their hard earned cash while delivering nothing to the customer. As the industry, as we would have known, is largely unregulated and not exactly a clear cut black or white industry, it would be a huge responsibility as customers to do our own due diligence in determining whether a company, or seller, is legitimate or simply just a fraud. Based on extensive research on reviews, stories and specific safety guidelines all over Google, Reddit, Trustpilot and Quora, we have compiled a list of three top TRUSTED sellers that are still going strong in the replica business:- Discreet Couture
- AAA purse
- Camilia Lushentic Store
- Willing to accept credit card payments or paypal
- Provides preshipment photos in detail before shipping
- Has a clear return policy displayed on their respective page
- Mentioned by at least two youtube channels with long term credentials and subscribers