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Internal Linking: The Ultimate Guide

Internal linking is one of the most important aspects of SEO but is also one of the most often overlooked. When done correctly, internal linking can help improve your site’s search engine rankings and keep visitors engaged on your website for longer periods. In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about internal linking!

The idea behind internal linking comes down to making it easy for visitors and search engine crawlers to find related content on your website. Every page should have at least one link pointing to another relevant page, whether that other page is an article, a product or service page, or any other resource you offer. Internal linking can also help boost the overall relevance of your website’s entire content structure.

When it comes to properly implement internal linking, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Use descriptive anchor text when creating links – Anchor text helps search engine bots and human readers understand what the link leads to before clicking on it. Using anchor text such as “learn more about our services here” gives visitors an indication of what to expect after clicking the link.


  • Make sure your internal links are relevant – Internal links should point visitors towards related content, which can help them find more information about a certain topic or product. For instance, if you have an article about home security systems, ensure you include at least one link pointing toward a page where customers can purchase products from that category.


  • Link back to important pages on your website – Try to link back to important pages such as the homepage and other key landing pages. These links will help keep visitors engaged by easily allowing them to navigate your site to find additional resources they may be interested in.


  • Don’t overdo it – Finally, make sure you don’t overdo it when it comes to internal linking. Adding too many links to a single page can harm SEO and user experience, so keep your linking strategy balanced and well-rounded.

Internal linking is a great way to ensure visitors find the information they are looking for while helping search engine crawlers better understand your website. Here are ten benefits you can get with internal linking:

1. Increased visibility for your website: Having more internal links on your pages allows search engine bots to crawl and index your content easily.

2. Improved user experience: Internal linking makes it easier for visitors to find related content on your website, leading to a better overall user experience.

3. More page views: By linking to other pages on your site in each article or post, you’re giving visitors multiple opportunities to explore related topics and view additional content on your website.

4. Better SEO rankings: The more pages that link back to a certain page, the higher it will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

5. Relevant anchor text: descriptive anchor text helps search engines understand what each link points to, which can help improve your overall rankings.

6. Improved crawlability: Internal linking helps search engine bots quickly and easily find all the pages on your website, making it easier for them to index your content.

7. Better page authority: when a page has more links from other pages, it tells search engines that the page is more relevant and important than others on the site.

8. Enhanced user engagement: linking between related pages encourages visitors to explore further into your website’s content structure, leading to improved user engagement metrics such as time spent on the site and bounce rate.

9. More targeted traffic: internal links make it easier for visitors to find the specific content they are looking for, resulting in more targeted and engaged visitors.

10. Increased conversions: by creating relevant internal links to your landing pages, you can funnel valuable traffic to those pages, potentially leading to increased conversions and sales.

By following these best practices and understanding the benefits of properly implementing internal linking into your website’s content structure, you can maximize its potential and drive better results from organic search traffic. If you have just started with internal linking, here are five things you should not do.

1. Do not link to irrelevant pages: Linking your pages to irrelevant or unimportant topics can lead to decreased user engagement and even search engine penalties.

2. Avoid keyword stuffing in anchor text: Overusing certain keywords in the anchor text of internal links is called “keyword stuffing” and is a form of black hat SEO that should be avoided at all costs.

3. Don’t use outdated URLs: It’s important to make sure you are linking to existing pages, as linking to broken or outdated URLs can hurt not only user experience but also search engine rankings.

4. Don’t neglect internal redirects: Redirecting visitors from old URLs to new ones is important if you have changed the structure of your website in any way. Not doing so will result in lost visitors and decreased organic search traffic.

5. Avoid using too many links: Too many internal links on a single page can lead to an overload of information, which can be confusing for users and detrimental to SEO rankings.

By following these best practices, you should have no problem setting up effective internal linking strategies that will drive more visitors to your site while also helping optimize it for search engines. So go ahead and start building those internal links now!

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