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Donnie Darko Tag


After Taylor Swift aimed fire at Jake Gyllenhaal in her latest music video, people are taking a second look at the actor's dating history with young women.

Some movies are perfect to kick back and watch. Here's a rundown of the best movies to view while high.

Based on an era of bright colors and bad attitudes, here are the top ten modern TV shows and movies set in the Decade of Decadence: the 80s.

Smoke out those eyes, put on your fave lace gown, and flex those bad attitude muscles – here are the top ten films goths have adopted over the

In fact, the concept of time travel acts as the deus ex machina for 'Donnie Darko''s plot, creating the wormhole which allows Donnie to reset his timeline.

Let’s not mince words here: we’re more than excited about Disney’s lightsaber spectacular Star Wars: The Last Jedi, released in theaters worldwide today. The eight instalment into the

Our Film Daily team rounds up our picks of outside-the-box cinema out this weekend. Featuring 'Ghost in the Shell', 'All this Panic', and more.