Fact check: Was there really a streaker at the Super Bowl this year?
Streaking: where a nude/naked person runs out onto a field/stage/public event for some sort of exhibitionist thrill. It’s been going on in the US since its heyday in the 1970s. And the biggest instances of streaking tend to take place during sporting events when one person who maybe had one too many drinks decides to be Will Ferrell in Old School because why not?
Cut to Super Bowl LV because why not streak during the pandemic? But here’s the question. Was this year’s Super Bowl streaker, truly a streaker? Or, more disappointingly, was it an ad? Here’s what you need to know about the not-quite Super Bowl streaker.
It was an ad?
It was an ad. Notice that neon pink onesie the guy was wearing as he jogged out onto the field? Yeah, it had the logo for Vitaly Uncensored, which is a porn site. This is the second year in the row that Vitaly Uncensored has sent a scantily clad employee out onto the Super Bowl field to plug their website. The woman also briefly managed to make the field before being hauled away by security.
Vitaly Uncensored has a habit of this. Streakers embossed with the company’s branding have been sent out into everything from the FIFA World Cup in 2014 to 2016. Sure, brands pay people to tattoo themselves with their logos. Why not pay streakers to streak for them? Hopefully, they’re getting paid. Or, at least, getting bailed out.
Vitaly Uncensored: a brief history
Vitaly Uncensored was launched by Vitaly Zdorovetskiy, a Russian YouTuber & general garbage person. Why do we say that? Because Zdorovetskiy was arrested & charged with aggravated battery after (allegedly) attacking a female jogger in Miami. So you know what? He’s a garbage person for doing such a thing (allegedly because he hasn’t been convicted/pleaded a deal out yet).
You know what? Maybe if the creator of the porn website ends up in jail with an aggravated battery charge, you just sit out doing any sort of weird marketing campaign until things calm down? Maybe? Because this is not a good look for Vitaly Uncensored, like, at all.
Maybe, instead of streaking for ads, you just streak for the sheer joy of it all first. Because we have few weird things in the world, let’s leave baring your @$$ on live television during a sporting event or, like, the Oscars alone.
Can’t believe it was an ad
We’re sad too, champ.
If you want to learn more about the history of streaking and famous streakers, then we have one guy you have to learn about. Because why not? Mark Roberts, for example, has streaked 561 times in 22 countries over the course of 24 years. The podcast Criminal did an episode on it that, frankly, is absolutely wild to listen to. Roberts clearly has led a life. If you type him into Wikipedia, then it will come up “Mark Roberts (streaker)”.
And you know what? That’s definitely a legacy to leave on the world. He streaked at the Olympics! Anyway, it’s a wild thing to look into: streaking, streakers, and the reactions of people around them. No place is safe from streaking: the Oscars to college to a nude rugby game (yes, really). It’s definitely a wild world to go into. So, maybe, just leave streaking to the people rather than trying to make it into marketing.
Don’t take the soul from streaking. Just, you know, do the thing, pay the fine, and just enjoy the brief brush of fame that you get from such an act while everyone has a good, long chuckle.