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'Gotham' is packed with a host of a variety of characters capable of expressing plenty of emotion, and it deserves a spot in the 2019 Bingewatch Awards.

Bruce Wayne says to vote for ‘Gotham’. Don’t let Batman down.

When it comes to ranking superheroes, Batman likely would be ranked No. 1 in fashion – but dead last when it comes to social cues. Thankfully, Gotham is packed with a host of a variety of characters capable of expressing plenty of emotion, and it deserves a spot in the 2019 Bingewatch Awards.

Gotham is an innovative TV series based on DC Comics characters and produced by Warner Bros. Television. The Batman origin narrative helped us rapt viewers understand how our favorite heroes (Batman) and villains (The Joker, Penguin) came to be the way they are. It also casts a light on just how Gotham City became the wretched crime-filled cesspool we all know & love.

Gotham is a contender for our Bingewatch Awards in the ever popular category of Best Cancelled Sci-fi/Fantasy TV Show. We’ll be posting new polls daily. Make sure to tell us your favorites and  tweet at us when you’ve voted for your faves.

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Here’s why you should vote for Gotham – straight from the fans’ keyboards

#SaveGotham | #Gotham spoilers‏

Gotham is such an original show. It is the closest thing we got to a live action adaption of the Batman origin story universe and it’s so good!

catherine haverty‏

Gotham is The Coolest Show.

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This show has been mishandled for so many years by the network. Not only was there so little promotion,the use of an outdated & inaccurate rating system(Nielsen),but there was so much drama that went on with Warner Brothers & Fox. All this played a part in getting Gotham cancelled.

#Gotham | Thursdays 8PM on FOX‏

Gotham inspires such devotion! The fandom has been holding daily Power Hours on Twitter for an entire year, as of May; advocating for Gotham, writing letters and emails; utilizing other forms of social media. It’s all a labor of love! #SaveGotham


Gotham is an exciting, daring sort of show with characters that no other show quite has. For lack of a better explanation, Barbara Kean said it best on the show: It’s Gotham, baby. We’ve all got flair!

Mr. Millicent Cordelia‏

Gotham’s provided a fresh take on the Batman mythos, created original characters of lasting merit, and re-worked minor comic characters to have major impact.#SaveGotham

James Rankin‏

For years, peeps have been denied a Batman TV show. Gotham was never that, but it had the makings of revealing all of the back stories.


This show deserves better. The acting is incredible, the writing never ceases to surprise, the atmosphere of the show is powerful, the fights are good, the costumes are great! It’s one of the best if not DC TV’s best show and it didn’t deserve to end like this.


We want to see development of the characters with the same actors. We love the cast, they deserve to continue.

Liz  ‏

Gotham is a show that truly deserves more than it has received. For years we’ve watched the early lives of beloved characters in the Batman universe grow into who we know they’ll become. Each of these characters are played by actors that pour their soul into their work.

Gotham has a fandom so dedicated that it’s almost unpronounceable. The love of Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot (Robin Taylor) and Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) is as beautiful as their fan name is incomprehensible. 

Fans described Nygmobblepot as a unique spin on the Batman legacy:

Zoe Tomorrow

They’re two individuals who’ve spent their lives mistreated and misunderstood. They are the only ones who accept one another wholeheartedly. Together they’ve learned about trust, sacrifice, forgiveness, and love. And no matter what they always find a way back to each other.

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Excellent chemistry between them, and a fun, fresh take on these old, iconic characters. They’re like peanut butter and jelly: fine on their own, but especially delightful together.


Honestly because they’re both idiots and they really deserve each other.

It’s like a proper Batman movie, just on the small screen


Gotham fully embraces everything that DC can offer in a way that films & even comics fail to do. The violence, grief, dark humour, love, struggle, psychology, charisma etc. It paints a beautiful picture & showcases just how much DC is capable of in a way which nothing else has.

#Gotham | Thursdays 8PM on FOX‏

Gotham’s production values, art direction, and cinematography are of a quality so high which is very unusual for TV. It rivals the quality that’s usually reserved for films.

It’s a perfect mix of scary and camp


I believe it should be saved as there are many more stories to tell. Giving more development to Jeremiah, seeing Bruce as Batman and everyone in their future roles. I feel like Gotham is the perfect combination of The Dark Knight Trilogy And the 60’s Batman TV show. It’s great.


Speaking as a lifelong Batman/DC fan Gotham has put its own unique spin on the franchise that has brought new life to the franchise and new fans. The fans want the show to continue. The creators want it. The actors want it. Gotham deserves a second chance.


Gotham fully embraces everything that DC can offer in a way that films & even comics fail to do. The violence, grief, dark humour, love, struggle, psychology, charisma etc. It paints a beautiful picture & showcases just how much DC is capable of in a way which nothing else has.

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