Rich people and the apocalypse: Their stylish doomsday bunkers
We know rich people have it easier in the world. They can pay to make pretty much any problem to go away. Don’t want to worry about sitting next to a talker on an airplane? Charter a private jet. Don’t want to have to deal with your old car breaking down? Buy a new sports car every few years. Can’t decide between a vacation house in Hawaii or Spain? Buy one of each.
The mega rich can have it all and then some, and we’ll all just have to sit here and dream of it while living vicariously through Kardashian Instagram posts. However, when the end of the world eventually comes, us normal people might imagine that we might finally be on the same level as the mega rich as they’re forced to reconcile the decline of the world means nobody really cares about cash or material goods anymore.
We would, however, be very wrong about that. It turns out there are members of the mega rich who have thought ahead, just in case. These planners have invested in swanky doomsday bunkers which make the apocalypse sound like a vacation to an ultra-exclusive resort.
The community experience
If you don’t want to wait out the apocalypse on your own or just with you and your family then you can (if you’re incredibly rich) buy a unit in a community bunker. We don’t know if that’s what it’s officially called, but you get the idea. These massive underground communal bunkers are capable of withstanding nuclear explosions.
One of the more well known community bunkers is in Kansas. The site used to be a missile silo, but was converted into a shelter for the wealthy – should the worst ever happen. This underground shelter boasts everything from a general store, medical center, movie theater, classroom, fishery, vegetable garden, and pool with a waterslide. Everything is distributed on 15 different floors.
While most units are purchased, there may be some available if you have the means – though the price tag for an apartment-esque unit is anywhere from half a million dollars to $2.4 million. The apartments are so nice though, we’d live in one right now if we could.
The personal bunker
There are some websites touting services which will build you your very own underground bunker for just you and your family. You know, if you’ve seen enough sci fi movies to make you wary of possible post-apocalyptic power struggles. (Hello, Snowpiercer.)
These bunkers usually promise to hold a minimum of a year’s worth of food, and have luxury amenities & furnishings much like the community bunkers, but on a smaller scale.
They also provide hyper realistic “windows” which are actually super bright TV screens shaped to look like windows, and feature anything from the Eiffel Tower, to beaches, to a nice countryside view. We’d bet money you can also change it whenever you want. These fake windows would help prevent the feeling of claustrophobia & if they have a daytime/nighttime mode could prevent your circadian rhythm from going totally out of whack.
Europa One
Europa One is a communal doomsday bunker which is called by the creators “a modern day Noah’s Ark”. The bunker is a former Cold War munitions storage facility in Germany. Anyone who purchases a unit is promised a full-time staff and security system. So, we guess if you want to survive the apocalypse without a price tag you’ll have to be a maid for the mega rich, trapped in a bunker with no escape.
There are 34 separate private residences which are completely barren when purchased. This allows the purchaser to have the place decorated however they see fit. The company which runs this compound recommends that you have your yacht decorator help you design your bunker unit. Yeah, just let that sink in a moment.
The smallest residence is 2,500 square feet and the largest is 5,000. What really made our jaws drop though was the mention of a tram system which members of this underground community will have access to in order to visit one another, restaurants, coffee shops, a pool, a rec center, and a theater.