New song honors Prince Harry & Meghan Markle’s break with tradition
Meghan Markle is following in the footsteps of Princess Diana, trading royal stuffiness for mixing with the masses. Prince Harry and his wife Meghan have opted to spend time in North America as well as in the palace.
They have a kindred spirit in singer-songwriter Karen Sokolof Javitch, who released a song in honor of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, titled “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – One of England’s Moments.”
Karen Javitch is also the co-creator of Princess Diana, The Musical that honored the ‘free spirit’ Diana and has been performed around the United States since 1998.
Said Javitch, “Princess Diana broke with tradition to become the first royal to hug an AIDS patient, as well as supported so many other humanitarian causes. I admire Harry and Meghan for following a similar break-away path, rather than following the stereotyped role of traditional monarchy. Diana showed us all that being in the limelight is less important than caring for fellow members of society.”
One song from Princess Diana, The Musical is “Hope in My Heart”. It would just as easily apply to Meghan as Diana and will inspire us all to help those in need. It is an audience favorite!
Not everyone shuns tradition totally, as Karen says, “Many young girls still have the childhood dream of meeting the handsome prince and living happily ever after, literally or metaphorically. That is why each royal wedding is viewed so widely throughout the world! So, I hope the royal couple decides to visit the palace sometime before too long.”
“In my musical, when the lead character sings “Hope in My Heart”, the world sees what Diana gave to us all: hope. It’s a new decade, yet there is still much trouble in the world and divisiveness in our country. We could all use a little more hope in our hearts right now,” Ms. Javitch reveals.
“The decade that just ended was one Princess Diana would have treasured. Both of her sons – Prince William and Prince Harry married lovely and strong women: Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, respectively. She now has four grandchildren who she would have loved and adored. She set an example for all aspiring and current royalty.”
The musical about Princess Diana provides insights into the events that led up to her passing. Her legacy continues as musicals about her life are flourishing in 2020 and beyond.
Singer/songwriter Karen Sokolof Javitch’s revised Princess Diana, The Musical to be released by Hueter Publishing in early 2020. The new release features the audience-favorite “There Is Hope In my Heart!”
“More importantly,” she adds, “There is no reason to travel to New York City when Princess Diana, The Musical, in its updated and revised form, will be playing in community theaters around the country, just as the original production was written 20 years ago has been performed at Community Theaters and venues throughout the United States.
“Our production entertains audiences about the public and private life of this iconic woman and most beloved princess,” explains songwriter Karen Sokolof Javitch. “Even after many successful runs, I recently updated the script and music and I’m thrilled to re-release it to America’s theaters through Heuer Publishing Company.”
“You don’t have to fly to New York to see a beautiful show about the late Princess. Our production is not related to the New York showing that premiers in March more than a decade after mine” explained Ms. Javitch.
Karen Sokolof Javitch wrote the music and lyrics and Elaine Jabenis co-authored the book with Karen in 1999. The touching story journeys in song with the “People’s Princess” on her trials and tribulations of being an unknown 17-year old to becoming the most famous woman in the world. With over 25 original songs, Princess Diana, The Musical captures the grace, charm, compassion, and style that was Diana.
About Karen Sokolof Javitch:
Besides Karen’s 15 albums, she has co-written 4 musicals and was the creator and co-host of a popular Omaha radio show, “It’s the Beat.” Her musicals include Princess Diana, the Musical, From Generation to Generation, and Love at the Café.
These shows have been performed in many cities in the United States. In addition, Ms. Javitch has raised over $350,000 for national and local charities with her original music.