Learn Important Financial Lessons From The 4 Most Highly Rated Movies
A movie is a great way of entertainment but what if it becomes a great source of learning too? Well there are some movies that are far beyond just mere entertainment. Movies that are based on real life incidents that help you learn how to go about situations if you encounter something similar. The actual job in a movie starts after the final credits. Use the lessons you’ve learned to make wise decisions related to money irrespective of if you are trading with bitcoin loophole pro or investing in metaverse.. Start by making a personal budget and eliminating all superfluous spending if you want to pull yourself out of debt. Speak to your HR representative about having a portion (or a bigger portion) of your paycheck withheld automatically each month if you wish to increase your retirement savings.
Office Space
Not all films with financial life lessons to impart are depressing. Modern classic “Office Space” centers on a man who merely despises his job. Know somebody who is like that? The struggles of Initech, the place where the main character Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston) works, have become part of popular culture. These struggles include TPS reports, stolen staplers, flair, and printers that should be dragged out back and smashed to pieces.
When our hero is put under hypnosis, everything changes, but he never awakens. Life is suddenly quite nice. He doesn’t mind arriving late, telling the truth to his superiors, or extending an invitation to a gorgeous waitress he’s had a crush on for years.
What should we learn? There are a few. Everyone should make an effort to find enjoyment in their line of work. Second, having a positive outlook in the midst of difficulty is advantageous, not disadvantageous. You should always be prepared for obstacles at work and have a positive view on how to overcome them.
We may not all be able to work in our ideal positions, but even if you find yourself in an organization that is a living hell, you can learn from Gibbons’ example by being upbeat, transparent, and truthful. It’s possible that your superiors cherish it more than you realize.
Boiler Room
In a way, “Boiler Room” is like “Wall Street” and “Glengarry Glen Ross” having a child. It concerns stockbrokers who use high-pressure sales tactics to persuade clients to purchase financial goods they may not need or want.
We can all definitely relate when we consider it from the viewpoint of the customer. How frequently have salespeople approached, harassed, and tormented you when you were in a vehicle dealership, department store, or repair facility? It seems like they are doing all in their power to get you to contribute to their commission check. You might have to resist temptation when faced with an impulse purchase if the salesmen are good, that is, if they are adept in persuading others to heed the advice they offer.
This does not imply that all salespeople are con artists like the scavengers in “Boiler Room,” of course. The very finest of their kind don’t need to persuade you of anything. They only need to represent a quality product, provide truthful and correct answers to your queries, and take care of any issues you may have. Keep your guard up if you come into contact with anyone else.
Indecent Proposal
What does one million dollars cost you? A young married couple (Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore) loses everything in Vegas due to a foolish gamble in the movie “Indecent Proposal.” However, they are given an offer. The millionaire John Cage, played by Robert Redford, promises them $1 million in exchange for just one night with Demi Moore. Their relationship disintegrates as a result of their discussion and acceptance.
Money is essential, but it’s not the only thing, and it’s certainly not something you should be willing to sacrifice your morals, family, or character for. More valuable than any amount of money is your sense of self-worth and respect.
The Pursuit of Happiness
The character of Chris Gardner played by Will Smith is an excellent example of how entrepreneurship can be a terrific way to achieve financial success. Based on a true incident, Gardner and his young son encounter challenges in “Pursuit of Happiness” that would put Job to the test. They lose their home, are compelled to dwell in homeless shelters and restrooms in public places, and at one point have just $22 in their bank account.
Gardner is unaffected by that in some way. He keeps working, ultimately lands a position at an investing company, and later establishes his own brokerage, which eventually brings in millions of dollars for him. We should learn from Gardner, who never gave up, kept working hard and looking for opportunities until he finally found success.
Keep in mind that nobody is entitled to happiness. The pursuit has been won.