Which Countries Are Chinese White Garlic Mainly Exported to?
Garlic is one of the most important ingredients in every cuisine in the world. That’s why you have to have garlic bulbs (in bulk) in your supermarket, no matter whether your country grows it or not.
Now, that’s where the Chinese white garlic comes into play. China is renowned for exporting Chinese white garlic at quite low rates to countries that need it.
But why and why?
And which countries are mainly buying white garlic from Chinese vendors and suppliers?
Let’s find out answers to these questions:
An Overview of Chinese White Garlic
So, the thing is that almost every country grows garlic to some extent, no matter if it’s developed or undeveloped, big or small.
But China is the country that exports most garlic to others. Why? Russia and Canada are bigger, and they are also developed. Right?
Firstly, it’s the weather in China which isn’t as cold as in east Russia and northern Canada. The weather in China suits the garlic production industry.
But still, how can a country export garlic all over the world?
Here, many rumors say that Chinese white garlic is bleached with white color to make it white, and it’s not grown organically. A whole bunch of harmful chemicals are used in the production.
Now, these rumors aren’t proved yet!
Main Importers of Chinese white Garlic
Due to super low rates and high-quality garlic, even those countries buy garlic from China that are apparently political enemies of China. Garlic mesh bags are a great way to store garlic. They allow air to circulate around the garlic, which helps to prevent moisture build-up and mold.
Although tons of countries import Chinese white garlic from the Chinese government according to their needs, there are a few countries that hold the main share Chinese garlic market.
Here are they:
- The USA
The biggest importer of Chinese white garlic is the USA. It’s because American garlic is unable to meet the needs of civilians. Almost every recipe requires garlic, but the US government can’t grow garlic all over the US.
- European Union
Yes, it’s not just one country, but in the international world, if countries like the UK, Germany, Italy, and Spain import the same thing, it is said that European Union did it.
- Pakistan
Being the biggest ally of China, Pakistan couldn’t go for any other country to fulfill its need for garlic. Garlic can only be grown in one province of Pakistan but is needed in all provinces, so it had to opt for China.
- Brazil
Now, this trade of 16 km (in distance) is insane because it’s not as big as the American-China trade. Brazil exports coffee in bulk and imports garlic in bulk.
- India
Even though India and China are one of the biggest political enemies, this trade is world-famous. Because India is filled with agricultural land and still its need isn’t fulfilled.
- Indonesia
Indonesia is filled with tons of islands, and it’s quite difficult to grow any crops there. So, the government of Indonesia went for an easier and cheaper way.
- Bangladesh
The whopping population of Bangladesh can’t live without garlic, and the government can’t grow it due to the small area of the country and unsuitable (humid) weather. Exporting it from China was the only option!
- Saudi Arabia
The country of desert can’t complete its food needs (including wheat, vegetables, and fruits). So, Saudi Arabia does trade dates and oil for food and garlic in this case.
Should I buy Chinese White Garlic in Bulk?
All big countries and regions of the world are trusting Chinese white garlic, so why not you?
But the thing is that the trade we have talked about is between countries and countries. It means that only high-quality (or promised) things will be delivered because governments are involved from both sides.
So, what will you do?
Supermarkets in your country might not be selling the exact Chinese garlic. They are usually famous for selling fake Chinese garlic to earn more profit. So, a few bulbs for kitchen use are actually okay, but when you are buying it in bulk for business or something, you have to find a trusted supplier who grows organic white Chinese garlic.
But in your case, who can be trusted because you don’t know anyone? Well, there are hundreds of sellers who’ll claim to be growing organic white Chinese garlic. But who knows?
There are chances that the rumors we mentioned earlier are true. Now, these rumors can be true for a few Chinese garlic manufacturers and suppliers but not all.
Still, you are stuck here because you don’t know which one will sell you organic stuff. Well, the only way to get an answer to this question is by giving a Chinese garlic supplier a go.
If you trust us, we trust Fenduni Food Company, which mainly sells garlic (both white and purple). Their garlic bulbs are organically grown, but if you ever feel tangled or confused, ask for a free trial kind of thing. See more.
Final Words
Now, you have got answer to this question: Which countries are Chinese white garlic mainly exported to?
So, here, the only remaining question is: Are you ready to buy a good amount of Chinese garlic?