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What happens in New York If you get an Order of Protection?



In the State of New York, an Order of Protection, commonly referred to as a restraining order, is a legal document designed to safeguard individuals who have been subjected to domestic violence, harassment, or other forms of harm. Obtaining an Order of Protection is a crucial step in ensuring personal safety and well-being. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of what happens when one seeks an Order of Protection in New York, the various types of protection orders available, and the implications they carry. If you are considering getting an Order of Protection, you may want to visit this website for more info. 


Overview For Orders of Protection


An Order of Protection is a court order that prohibits an individual, often referred to as the “respondent,” from engaging in specific behaviors towards the person requesting protection, known as the “petitioner.” These orders are intended to prevent further harm, abuse, or harassment, and may be issued in cases of domestic violence, harassment, stalking, or other related offenses.


Types of Orders of Protection


In New York, there are two primary types of Orders of Protection: Family Court Orders and Criminal Court Orders.

  1. Family Court Orders: These are typically issued in cases involving domestic violence between family or household members. Family Court Orders provide legal protection for intimate partners, spouses, parents, children, and other close family members who have experienced abuse or harassment.
  2. Criminal Court Orders: Criminal Court Orders are usually issued in situations where criminal charges have been filed against the respondent. These orders are issued to protect the victim during the pendency of a criminal case and may offer additional legal remedies.


The Process of Obtaining an Order of Protection


To obtain an Order of Protection in New York, the petitioner must follow a specific legal process:

  1. Filing a Petition: The petitioner initiates the process by filing a petition with the appropriate court. The petition outlines the details of the alleged abuse or harassment, along with any supporting evidence.
  2. Temporary Order of Protection: Upon filing the petition, the court may issue a temporary Order of Protection. This order goes into effect immediately and provides immediate protection until a hearing can be held.
  3. Serving the Respondent: The respondent must be served with a copy of the petition and the temporary Order of Protection. It is essential to ensure proper service to ensure the respondent is aware of the legal restrictions placed upon them.
  4. Court Hearing: A hearing is scheduled to allow both the petitioner and the respondent to present their cases before a judge. The judge will review the evidence and make a determination regarding the issuance of a final Order of Protection.
  5. Final Order of Protection: If the judge finds sufficient evidence, they may issue a final Order of Protection. This order can last for a specified period, usually between one and five years, and may contain various provisions, such as prohibiting contact, mandating stay-away distances, and addressing custody and visitation matters.


Consequences and Violations of an Order of Protection


Violating an Order of Protection in New York can lead to severe consequences for the respondent. Such violations may result in criminal charges, including fines and imprisonment. It is crucial for both the petitioner and the respondent to understand the specific provisions outlined in the order and to comply with them to avoid legal repercussions.


Modifying or Terminating an Order of Protection


In certain situations, either party can request a modification or termination of an existing Order of Protection. This may be necessary if circumstances change, such as a need for altering visitation arrangements or if the parties reconcile. However, modifying or terminating an order requires a formal application to the court, and it is ultimately up to the judge’s discretion to grant or deny such requests.




Obtaining an Order of Protection in New York is an important step toward ensuring personal safety and preventing further harm. Whether through the Family Court or Criminal Court system, the legal process provides avenues for victims to seek protection and relief. It is essential to understand the types of orders available, the process of obtaining them, and the consequences of violating them. By being informed and taking necessary precautions, individuals can find the legal recourse and support they need to maintain their well-being and security in the face of abusive or harassing situations


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