Trending News
We all love spending time on TikTok and looking at all the trends, but not all of them are worth actually doing. We'll show you which trends to avoid.

Makeup, LEDs, and recipes: All the trends on TikTok you need to avoid

The words ‘TikTok’ & ‘trend’ go together like peanut butter & jelly, or Kanye West & scandal. They were basically born for each other. At times, what trends on TikTok is peak comedy.

TikTok, after all, is the birthplace of sharing important information in less than thirty seconds. It’s the home of seamless transitions while showing off expensive fashion. It’s where dancers go to literally drive culture by creating new challenges.

At other times, however, what trends on TikTok is literal garbage. It’s like the time sea shanties somehow became a thing. Then a week later, almost everyone had forgotten about them. Here’s a fun reminder of all the brain-rotting trends on TikTok you need to steer clear of.

Nose Blush 

There’s the time everyone was obsessed with cringe makeup trends. The season where everyone channeled their inner Rudolph.

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Squid Game

Sae-byeok didn’t die for this!

‘Cheerful’ eyebags

In the old days, we stayed up all night watching cat videos on YouTube.

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Too much

It’s truly a weird time when LEDs become trends on TikTok. At least there’s some creativity involved.

For the clappers

Not for the faint of heart. . . or dirty of mind😏


Gigi why

This one goes out to all the foodies who lowkey hate food. 2020 was obviously a hard year for everyone


For the crunch

This one definitely didn’t join trends on TikTok for the flavor

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Baked Feta Pasta

At this point, why not? At least people can bring it to a AA meeting

What trends on TikTok do you love to hate? Which ones do you hate to love? Let us know in the comments below!

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