Social Media Marketing & Memes: The Dos and Don’ts
It hardly matters whether you are a Tumblr addict, a passionate Tweeter, a Buzzfeed junkie, or an avid Redditor, you are sure to have one thing in common: you simply cannot avoid memes on the Web. Memes are dominating the Internet scene and are everywhere. They have become an integral part of everybody’s digital existence. The moment you log into your Facebook or other social media accounts, you are bound to come across them. There is no denying the fact that memes are entertaining.
Each one of us may have laughed at a meme or even shared memes at some point in our lives. The most important aspect of memes today is that they are much valuable to us than just regarding them as good for a laugh and moving on. Memes have become incredibly popular and brands or businesses are tapping into their power and potential to reach your target audience. They also push your posts with upvote services to get more interaction. Businesses are increasingly using them as an effective tool for boosting digital marketing.
Memes: Things to Do for Effectively Navigating Copyright Issues
If you are thinking in terms of using memes and including them in your marketing stratagems, it is crucial to stop and consider ways to take care of copyright issues. You need to keep in mind that a majority of the memes are having copyright. You may consider several things before incorporating a specific meme in your marketing or advertising campaign. Fortunately, you can successfully navigate copyright issues by following the best practices:
- Remember to examine the licensing of a picture before using it.
- If you have no certainty that a picture can be used, look for some other alternatives via Creative Commons or some other CC image repository.
- Focus on establishing a vivid and clear-cut meme usage policy in your organization.
- Be cautious about endorsing accidentally other brands through a meme.
- Use memes in your precise social media marketing stratagem with careful consideration. Do ample research to rule out any embarrassment.
Dos and don’ts
Do Focus on Understanding the Meme
According to Business News Daily, it pays to understand the specific meme. You may share a meme only if you are 100 percent sure of the right way of using a meme. Do not consider using it in whatever way you feel like. It is best to browse through KnowYourMeme.com, and then look for a specific meme, you have in mind. Read all the information and then get started. If a meme is used in the wrong way, it has the potential of backfiring and making your brand look outdated and out of touch.
Do Ensure that It Is Apt
Suppose your business has a reputation of authenticity, seriousness, and utmost gravity, your audience too is bound to be super serious. Under such circumstances, it is a futile exercise to share memes. Memes could backfire and your audience may feel offended.
Don’t Go Overboard
Some brands believe in overdoing things. It is best to exercise some restraint while generating and sharing memes. Overdoing things may send wrong signals. You may seem to be trying too hard. Customers are often frustrated with that.
Don’t Delay Unnecessarily
Memes often lose their significance and relevance within a short span, maybe a few months and sometimes, just a few days. It is best to consider Memejacking at the earliest possible. Or else, you may be too late to tap the power of a presently hot-favorite meme.
Always keep monitoring audience reaction to all your memes. While creating memes, visit Meme Scout. If a specific meme is attracting positive reactions, it is a good idea to post similar memes more often. If your specific meme is getting a poor or negative response, get rid of the meme at once.