Taking the appropriate steps after a Las Vegas car accident is key to ensuring you receive the full compensation you deserve. Here are the recommended actions to take after a car accident in Las Vegas:
Stay at the scene
Leaving the scene without a valid reason is considered a felony in Las Vegas, Nevada, known as a hit-and-run, and carries a potential prison sentence of up to 20 years. Unless you require immediate emergency medical assistance, remain at the accident scene.
If the vehicles are blocking traffic and no serious injuries have occurred, moving the cars to the side of the road is best, ensuring everyone’s safety. However, if someone has suffered severe injuries, leaving the vehicles untouched is advisable until law enforcement arrives.
Seek medical assistance if necessary.
If you or others in the accident require urgent medical attention, call 911 or ask someone else to do so. If possible, ask medical providers to document detailed notes regarding your injuries.
Document information about the other vehicle
If it’s safe and you can do so, photograph the accident scene and vehicle damage. Once you have confirmed no severe injuries, take note of or photograph the details of all vehicles involved in the accident.
Obtain contact information from drivers and witnesses
If possible, gather current contact details from all individuals involved or who witnessed the accident. Collect crucial information such as the other driver’s insurance company, policy number, and Nevada driver’s license number. If a law enforcement officer is present, take note of their name.
Document your recollections promptly.
Write down all details you remember about the accident, including the date, time, cross streets, and travel directions of each vehicle, as well as your estimation of speeds and any adverse road conditions. If you have visible injuries, take selfies or ask a friend to photograph them for evidence.
Refrain from stating you are uninjured.
Certain injuries, such as soft-tissue injuries, may manifest later. Avoid mentioning this to the other driver even if you believe you haven’t sustained injuries. Stating you are fine initially can be used against you to deny or reduce your damages. However, don’t falsely claim injuries either; keep your options open until you’ve had a chance to assess your well-being and seek medical attention if necessary.
Report the accident if required.
Suppose the accident caused bodily injury, death, or total damage of $750 or more to any vehicle or property. In that case, you must notify the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles before the stipulated 10-day period. Failure may lead to a one-year suspension of your Nevada driver’s license. Inform your insurance carrier if another driver was involved, as most insurers require accident reporting.
Consider hiring a lawyer.
Engaging experienced car accident lawyers Las Vegas can safeguard your rights and help determine your eligibility for compensation. Also, seeking legal advice and representation can be beneficial in navigating the complexities of car accident claims and ensuring you receive fair compensation.