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How To Compete In A Coding Competition

Competing in coding competitions is a great way to improve your programming skills. Many of these contests provide prizes for participants, including cash, free software, and hardware. Some people have even turned competitive programming into a career.

Code Jam is a popular coding competition. It challenges programmers around the world with algorithmic puzzles in online rounds.

Problem-solving skills

In a coding competition, participants try to solve problems in as short a time as possible. The code they submit must be correct and efficient, and pass certain test cases that the organizers have set up. These contests are often a great way to learn new coding languages and improve your skills. They are also popular among high school and college students, and can help prepare them for competitive programming interviews.

Creative thinking and visual ideation are important components of problem-solving strategies, so they should be encouraged throughout the entire process. For example, the LEGO Challenge is a fun way to get groups to think creatively and share ideas. Other activities like Crazy 8s can be used at the beginning of the process to encourage creative thinking and iteration.

You can demonstrate your problem-solving skills during an interview by talking about a situation in which you had to make a difficult decision. When you describe these situations, be sure to include details so that the interviewer can understand your thought process.


Competitive programming is a contest in which participants submit programs that solve a series of coding challenges. It activates the brain’s learning centres and improves memory and problem-solving skills. It also encourages collaboration and communication between team members.

There are many online platforms for competitive programming. Some of the most popular are CodeChef, HackerRank, and Codeforces. These sites allow users to compete weekly and provide access to past problems for practice. In addition, some offer free coding challenges.

A team that works well together can complete projects quickly and efficiently. Its success depends on many factors, including the level of trust between members and the ability to handle disagreements without aggression or passive-aggressive behavior. Moreover, it is important for team members to understand that the group’s goals are more important than their own individual needs. This helps maintain a sense of accountability and motivates the team to perform at its best.


Coding competitions allow you to hone your skills with algorithm-based problems that get progressively tougher. These competitions also allow you to see how you compare to other programmers. They are a great way to prepare for coding bootcamps and job interviews.

Some of the best coding competitions are offered by large technology companies. For example, Google’s Kick Start contest offers programmers around the world a series of online competition rounds. The contests feature algorithmic challenges designed by Google engineers. The top-ranked programmers can land a job at Google.

Another popular website for coding challenges is HackerRank, which offers various programming challenges with different specifications. Some of the most famous challenges include 101-Hack, where you are asked to solve a series of challenges in two hours, and Week of Code, where one challenge is offered every day for a week. The platform also allows you to practice your coding skills with company-sponsored challenges. You can also find challenges on LeetCode, which has a community of millions of members.

Deliberate practice

Among the most valuable skills that top performers acquire are those related to their creativity. Studies of eminent athletes show that these athletes trained more creatively than less eminent ones did in their early years (‘deliberate practice’).

The essence of deliberate practice is training a skill by intentionally seeking out activities that are difficult for you. This activity must be highly relevant to the skill you are aiming for, and it should be performed in a way that gives you feedback on your performance. It is best if it is conducted by a trained teacher, but it can also be done at home, in the office, or on your own.


In coding competition, this might mean breaking your programming problem into subskills and practicing them in separate sessions with 100% focus. It could also mean keeping a motivation diary during competitive programming practice, using the Pomodoro technique to keep yourself motivated, or engaging in other relaxing activities during a session to prevent burnout.


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