Gender reveal parties should stick to cake: All the craziest headlines
It’s a boy! Wait – it’s a girl! Try again.🤰Gender reveal parties are just one of many celebrations leading you to the wonderful years of parenthood. You certainly hope those years are wonderful.
Mistakes happen. We are only human after all. Mistakes can happen before you’re even born. Parents & children alike can have the odd blunder. The internet allows us to relive those moments again & again.
Luckily for you, we have compiled some hilarious headlines from gender reveal parties that are guaranteed to have you in stitches. Prepare to question your humanity.
Burn, baby, burn
Some gender reveal parties should stick to cake. Australia appears to use explosives to announce to the world the gender of their child. We hope that the car owner has insurance because that’s a lot of damage.
Face meet bat
A dad thought it’d be a good idea to have his baby momma be introduced with a baseball bat – to the face. Talk about a swing & a miss. Maybe it’s best to put down the weapons when pregnant women are standing right next to you . . . .
Children cost money
Before this baby was even born – the parents are forking out for $8 million worth of damage. The damage in question was a 47,000-acre wildfire in Arizona. According to USDA, children in the U.S. averagely cost $284,570 to raise. This is one expensive child. Step aside, Stormi Webster.
Confetti feud
Applebee’s, of all places. Gender reveal party gone wrong. A fight over confetti broke out between the party-goers and the staff at Applebee’s. Who’s responsible for cleaning up? Should it be the partygoers or the staff at the restaurant?
I did it. I found the worst gender reveal. pic.twitter.com/37b5GkrTbN
— Ana Bretón (@missbreton) September 21, 2019
Hungry, hungry hippo
Hungry hippo recreated for a gender reveal. A hippo is seen awaiting a watermelon and once the hippo starts eating the watermelon a color comes out. What a strange way to announce your child’s gender. Definitely want to see the kid’s reaction when they’re old enough.
Monster party
Monster trucks! Every kid loves monster trucks. A monster truck driver learns the gender of his baby during a show he’s driving in. We have to admit, this is an awesome reveal.
Gender reveal lasagna was a massive success 👦🏻💙 pic.twitter.com/wwSxEzXRlf
— Boston Cream 🍩 (@itsbostoncream) October 3, 2019
Blue lasagna
Lasagna comes in traditional red, white, and yellow colors. However in this instance, it was made to reveal the gender of a baby. Still looks tasty, right? We’ll pass.
Have any crazy gender reveal stories? Let us know your experience in the comments below.