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Windshield Damage

Different Types Of Windshield Damage

Your vehicle’s windshield is more than just a window; it’s a vital safety component that protects you from the elements and ensures clear visibility while driving. Unfortunately, it’s also susceptible to various types of damage, each with its own characteristics and repair challenges.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of windshield damage, exploring different types such as Damage Caused by Impact, Star Break, Bull’s Eye, Half-Moon Crack, Non-Impact Damage, Long Cracks, Edge Crack, Stress Crack, and Combination Break. Understanding these variations is essential for knowing how to address them effectively.

Types Of Windshield Damage

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Damage Caused by Impact

Impact damage is a common occurrence, typically resulting from rocks, debris, or even minor collisions. These damages appear as small chips or cracks, often with a central point of impact. While they may seem minor, neglecting impact damage can lead to more extensive cracks.

These chips and cracks can vary in size, but they all share a common characteristic: a point of impact. The impact weakens the glass at that specific spot and can lead to cracks radiating outward if not addressed promptly.

Star Break

Star breaks are named for their distinctive star-shaped pattern with multiple cracks radiating from a central point of impact. Repairing star breaks is possible, but it’s essential to address them promptly to prevent the cracks from spreading further.

The key to effective repair lies in sealing the central impact point and stabilizing the radiating cracks. Professional technicians use specialized tools and resins to accomplish this, ultimately restoring the windshield’s integrity.

Bull’s Eye

A bull’s eye is characterized by a circular, well-defined impact point, similar in appearance to a bullet hole. It’s one of the more straightforward types of damage to repair, especially when the damage is relatively small.

Repairing a bull’s eye involves cleaning the area, injecting resin into the impact point, and curing it using UV light. This process seals the damage and restores the glass’s clarity.

Half-Moon Crack

Half-moon cracks are semi-circular in shape, often resulting from a minor impact or small object striking the windshield. These can usually be repaired effectively, but the extent of the damage should be considered.

The repair process for half-moon cracks involves cleaning the damaged area, injecting resin, and curing it. If the damage is extensive or if the crack’s legs are too long, replacement may be necessary.

Non-Impact Damage

Non-impact damage includes cracks or chips that occur without any external impact. Factors like extreme temperature changes, stress, or manufacturing defects can lead to non-impact damage. These types of damage are typically repairable, but their cause should be investigated to prevent recurrence.

Non-impact damage often appears as cracks that seemingly appear out of nowhere. While they might not have a clear point of impact, they can still pose safety risks if not addressed. Professional technicians will assess the damage and determine the appropriate repair method.

Long Cracks

Long cracks are linear and can span the entire width of the windshield. They often result from significant impact or stress. Repairing long cracks may be possible, but the success of the repair depends on the crack’s length and location.

For long cracks, technicians may use advanced tools and resins designed to bridge the gap and prevent further spreading. However, very long or complex cracks may require windshield replacement to ensure safety.

Edge Crack

Edge cracks occur near the edges of the windshield and can spread rapidly. These cracks can compromise the windshield’s structural integrity and may require replacement rather than repair.

Edge cracks are particularly concerning because they can weaken the windshield’s frame, affecting its ability to withstand stress during an accident. Due to safety considerations, edge cracks often necessitate windshield replacement.

Stress Crack

Stress cracks are usually not caused by external impacts but by internal stresses in the glass. They can appear suddenly and may be challenging to predict. When stress cracks occur, they often necessitate windshield replacement.

These cracks may start small but can quickly grow in length and complexity. Identifying the root cause of stress cracks, such as manufacturing defects or extreme temperature changes, is crucial to prevent their recurrence.

Combination Break

A combination break is a type of damage that combines features of various other types, making it more complex to repair. It may involve multiple cracks, chips, or a combination of both, often requiring specialized repair techniques.

Combination breaks can be challenging to assess and repair. Technicians will carefully examine the damage and determine a customized approach to restore the windshield’s integrity while addressing each component of the damage.

Understanding the distinctions among these types of windshield damage is crucial when assessing the severity of the issue and deciding whether to pursue repair or replacement. Neglecting even seemingly minor damage can lead to more significant problems, compromising your safety on the road.


How do you describe windshield damage?

Windshield damage is typically described based on its appearance and characteristics, such as chips, cracks, bull’s eyes, star breaks, or combination breaks. The description helps technicians and insurance assessors determine the appropriate repair or replacement method.

What are the three types of windshields?

Windshields are primarily categorized into three types: laminated, tempered, and acoustic laminated. Laminated windshields consist of two layers of glass with a plastic interlayer for safety. Tempered windshields are single-layer glass designed to shatter into small, harmless pieces upon impact. Acoustic laminated windshields include a special acoustic layer for noise reduction.

What causes different types of windshield cracks?

Different types of windshield cracks are caused by various factors, including impacts from rocks or debris, temperature fluctuations, manufacturing defects, stress, and other external or internal stressors. The specific cause determines the type of crack that forms.

What are the examples of cracked windshields?

Examples of cracked windshields include star breaks, bull’s eyes, half-moon cracks, long cracks, edge cracks, and stress cracks. Each type of crack has its own distinct characteristics and may require specific repair or replacement methods.


Your vehicle’s windshield can suffer from a range of damage types, each with its own characteristics and repair challenges. Knowing how to identify these types of damage and understanding the limitations of repair is essential for maintaining your safety and the longevity of your windshield.

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