‘Claws’ S2 “Breezy” recap: Where did we leave the crew?
Your appointment at the nail salon has been booked! Season three of TNT’s gloriously garish crime drama Claws is set to drop like now (June 9th).
Described by The Guardian as “Breaking Bad meets Steel Magnolias”, this visually stunning female-fronted saga mixes flashy, trashy, glammed-up settings with a truly gripping crime-filled narrative following a group of hardworking manicurists who mesh acrylics with crime to keep their business afloat.
All we know so far about S3 is that Desna (Niecy Nash), Polly (Carrie Preston), Annalise (Judy Reyes), and Jennifer (Jenn Lyon) will be returning. We know one of Jenn’s babydaddies, EJ, is out of jail and desperate to get to know his daughter. Judging from the trailer, we’re delighted Virginia lived to fight another day and will be joining our gal pals (with her sequined eyepatch) as they enter the big leagues.
While we wait for our favorite crime lady bosses to grace our screens again, we’re gonna recap where we left them last season.
Darling Roller, who still hasn’t worn a buttoned shirt since we’ve known him has learned a dark secret (or so he thinks) about Uncle Daddy. He learns from Clint (fellow henchman) that Uncle Daddy was actually the one responsible for Roller’s Dad’s death.
After doing a little investigation and digging into his memories, Roller realizes the story he’s been hearing about his Dad’s death from Uncle Daddy and what actually happened don’t match. Based on this crack in the family foundation, in the final battle of the season Roller aligns with his lady love Desna and turns his back on Uncle Daddy and Bryce.
Polly had a really hard time this season. She’s coped with love & loss and experienced a psychotic break in the middle of it all. After breaking out from the psych ward to attend Desna’s wedding, she turns herself back in. We’re hoping she’s feeling much better by the beginning of S3. Claws wouldn’t be Claws without her girly charms.
Desna’s dishy doctor / dealer boyfriend / husband didn’t have a great wedding night. We last saw him flying over a balcony with a chest full of broken glass.
Deceased . . . at least we think he is.
The Russian mobster / inspirational life coach was always a woman with a plan, and as we long suspected she tried to off Desna. In the final skirmish of “Breezy”, bitch finally got what was coming to her. Dean saved his sister by putting a bullet in her. We last saw her being pushed aside by Desna who also swiped her gauche and gold “Boss” necklace. You go, Desna – you deserve that adornment.
The Salon
After the red wedding and Desna’s compliance with the boys in blue, Ann’s ex Arlene has some bad news for the girls. Because the salon was part of the drug ring, Arlene informed Desna that “the salon is ours now”. Where in Flori-duh are we going to get our Claws done now?! Where are the girls going to work?
Uncle Daddy & Bryce
In the second-to-ast scene in the S2 finale, we saw Desna sashay into the strip club and let everyone know (if they didn’t see her necklace) that she’s the boss now. “Thank you for underestimating me. That shit taught me a lot. Now get out of my face.” Preach, girl.
After getting a surprise bonus and finding out that she’s now a high-roller casino owner, Desna and Virginia are beating a speedy path to their new business. Then disaster strikes as a masked gunman on a bike takes aim for Desna and Virginia shoves her out of the way, taking the bullet. We last see Desna cradling a bleeding Virginia in her arms and crying for help.
After taking a bullet for Desna, Virginia was wounded. We’re guessing that it was just a scrape (as we’ve seen her in the S3 trailer) – but you never know. I guess we’ll just have to tune into the S3 premiere to find out.