Where the Arrowverse characters are after ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’
Crisis on Infinite Earths ended just a few short weeks ago. With the subsequent premiere of Arrowverse shows (along with Arrow ending), we’re getting a better idea of what the post-Crisis world will look like for all the participants in the crossover. It is wild because, well, we’re all playing catch-up with the characters to catalog the changes.
At the end of “Part Four” of the crossover, Oliver (Stephen) and the Paragons (plus Lex Luthor) were able to restart the multiverse. As revealed in “Part Five”, this act combined Earth-1, Earth-38, and Black Lightning’s Earth into Earth-Prime. With it, there were varying changes (ranging from minor to big) across the slate of series, even upcoming ones such as Superman & Lois and Green Arrow and the Canaries.
The major change is that these Earth’s all live on Earth-Prime and that they all think that the multiverse, at large, is dead. (We know it’s not, but they think it is.)
In order to help you get a handle on just what is going on around here, here are all the changes to our fave Arrowverse characters following Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Past Shows
With Arrow ending on Tuesday, Jan. 28, we only got a glimpse of the changes that Team Arrow experienced. Here are the post-Crisis changes for them.
Star City is virtually without crime, making it one of the safest cities on Earth-Prime.
Moira Queen (Susanna Thompson), Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne), and Tommy Merlyn (Colin Donnell) were all spared from their various deaths.
Tommy and Laurel Prime (Katie Cassidy-Rodgers) were married before her death. Robert Queen (Jamey Sheridan) and Laurel Prime remained dead due to how their deaths impacted Oliver’s life.
Digg (David Ramsey) and Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) have both J.J. and Sara. Sara was previously erased as a consequence of “Flashpoint”.
It’s also known that Oliver somehow changed the timeline/rebooted the universe and brought these people back. Moira referenced this in her Emerald Archer interview and a newscaster also referenced it.
Changes related to Green Arrow and the Canaries will be under that show’s heading under the Future Shows banner.
Present Shows
As Batwoman is in its first, there aren’t a ton of changes happening.
Kate (Ruby Rose) has a shiny new Bat-cycle, which has a bunch of gadgets attached to it, such as a grappling hook.
A doppelganger of Alice (Rachel Skarsten), a Beth from an Earth where Kate pulled her out of the car after the car crash, arrived on Earth-Prime.
Alice and Beth have some sort of connection, illustrated when they both had debilitating headaches at the end of “An Un-Birthday” present.
Black Lightning
Black Lightning may currently be in its third season, but the show has largely remain separate from the Arrowverse at large. This was fixed at the end of Crisis by integrating its Earth with the Earth-1 and Earth-38. As such, the changes are quite as big as, say, Supergirl or Arrow, but key nonetheless.
Jefferson (Cress Williams) and Jennifer (China Anne McClain) are the only ones who remember the Crisis happening. Jefferson due to his involvement and presumably J’onn (David Harewood) “waking him up” following the incident. Jenn, meanwhile, turned into pure energy at the end of “The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis” as the anti-matter wave hit Freeland. As such, father and daughter are the only two who remember the pre-Crisis Earth.
Lady Eve (Jill Scott), who was killed back in Black Lightning season one, has been brought back to life. This means that with Tobias (Krondon) locked up, then Freeland’s criminal underworld looks very different.
The Freeland Resistance, led by Anissa/Blackbird (Nafessa Williams), is bigger and has a lot better organization than pre-Crisis. (Thank God.) It looks like there are more civilians joining the cause and they’re getting stuff done. According to Anissa, they’ve taken out 15% of the ASA vehicles and 25% of the ASA soldiers who are occupying Freeland.
The Flash
As The Flash won’t have its midseason premiere until Tuesday, Feb. 4, we still don’t know how big the changes are post-Crisis for the series. We do have promos for the series and they have given some teases.
Cisco’s (Carlos Valdes) vibe powers are different following the death and rebirth of the multiverse. Instead of his breaches being blue and water-like, they have taken on a purple tint and cannot take him to other Earths. As Cisco says, physics has radically been altered.
Also with Team Flash spending most of season six dealing with Barry’s (Grant Gustin) impending death and then Barry not dying, they have to deal with getting on with life. One particularly affected by this seems to be Iris (Candice Patton), who had to prepare herself for a world without her husband.
Right now that’s all we have figured out.
Legends of Tomorrow
The rest of Team Legends may not like crossovers, but Sara (Caity Lotz) was pretty affected by the death of Oliver Queen. It’s hard to know what the changes are in the timeline for Legends of Tomorrow as a whole (because they had their own radical change to the timeline at the season four finale).
Based on the premiere “Meet the Legends”, Sara is struggling with the death of Oliver and everything she witnessed during Crisis. She just needs support and love from those around while she deals with it.
Far as we know, Sara and Ray (Brandon Routh) definitely have their pre-Crisis memories back. Mick of Earth-Prime was not the Mick (Earth-74) who was involved early on in Crisis so who knows there. We also don’t know if John Constantine (Matt Ryan) had his pre-Crisis memories restored or if any of Team Legends had their memories restored.
Supergirl had THE MOST post-Crisis changes. Poor Kara (Melissa Benoist), she deserves a vacation. She deserves it so bad. Right, here we go.
Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) is a beloved public figure. He’s won the Nobel Peace Prize and has his own action figure. He’s generally looked up to as a hero and a good dude. Of course, he’s still Lex so he’s plotting world domination or something we’re sure in addition to taking revenge on Leviathan. But, yeah, the world is unaware that Lex is the worst person.
(It’s unknown if this is due to another deal with the Monitor or the fact that Lex had a page of the Book of Destiny with him when the universe was rebooted.)
Lena (Katie McGrath) remembered the pre-Crisis timeline without a “wake-up” from J’onn. This was Lex’s deal with the Monitor for his help that Lena remembered everything.
The Luthors, Lex especially, own the DEO. It is no longer a government agency but part of LuthorCorp. Ewwww. So Lex is Alex’s (Chyler Leigh) boss.
Andrea Rojas (Julie Gonzalo) was never activated as an agent of Leviathan. We don’t know if Lena or her has the medallion of Arcata at this point in time or if she knows about her abilities. Either way, she was never an assassin, but she still owns Catco.
William Dey (Staz Nair) believes that Lex killed his best friend Russell Rogers (Nick Sagar) when Russell refused to sell Lex his company. He joined Catco (when it was still owned by Lena) to investigate Lex, but the time he arrived Andra owned it. In the previous timeline, Russell was made into Rip Roar and was an assassin for Leviathan. No clue if that’s still true here.
Doppelgangers from now destroyed Earths are emerging from a nexus point in Al’s Bar. No one seems to really care that this is an issue that they’re dealing with.
Kara still won a Pulitzer, but, presumably, from not exposing Lex Luthor’s plot to install a shadow government in the US. We have no idea what she won the Pulitzer for in this timeline. J’onn cannot restore the whole world’s pre-Crisis memories because mass panic and people’s heads may literally explode.
Phew. That’s pretty much it there.
Future Shows
Green Arrow and the Canaries
Green Arrow and the Canaries unveiled post-Crisis changes for those in Star City 2040. Here they are.
William (Ben Lewis) and Mia (Katherine McNamara) grew up together and have a deep sibling bond.
Mia is seen as a dilettante socialite party girl at large, but is struggling to find her purpose in the world in order to honor her father.
J.J. (Charlie Barnett) did not grow up to become a psycho Deathstroke captain. Instead, he owns an art gallery. J.J. and Mia have been dating for years and get engaged. (His memories are restored at the end of the pilot.)
Connor Hawke (Joseph David Jones) has been in and out of rehab and Mia does not like him at all. Zoe Ramirez (Andrea Sixton) is alive! Hooray! Star City has not any appreciable crime in over 20 years due to Oliver’s sacrifice. It’s considered a nice and safe place to live.
Superman & Lois
Clark (Tyler Hoechlin) and Lois (Bitisie Tulloch) have two children. Judging by Lois talking to Clark at the end of the episode, they are both older than the singular baby Jonathan that they had at the beginning of Crisis on Infinite Earths.