Can you ban terrible players from your ‘Among Us’ game?
There is nothing like firing up the popular party game Among Us after a busy day. To us, it’s been relaxing to play with friends we haven’t seen in person for months, but most importantly, it’s a distraction from the horrible realities of 2020. We love the game until a troll or unsportsmanlike player hops onto our server and ruins it for everyone.
Don’t get us wrong – we’ve had our fair share of excellent games with random people. However, since Among Us took off in September, more & more trolls are there to ruin the fun. Luckily InnerSloth created a necessary tool for players to kick & ban others.
Common types of horrible players
If you’ve never played Among Us, it’s a simple whodunit mystery game. Crew members go around completing tasks while an impostor sabotages the map and kills players. It’s up to the crew members to complete all their tasks or figure out who the impostor is before he or she kills everyone.
There are a few types of horrible players in Among Us. First are the “impostor only” players. These might not be the worst or the most annoying, but they’re the most frequent. These players leave the game if they aren’t the impostor (so within seconds of the game starting). It’s more of a numbers issue. If you leave, it’s considered a kill for the impostor, giving them a one-point advantage.
The worst are players who leave immediately after dying. You can still complete your tasks after dying and chat with other dead players. Leaving after dying is being a sore loser. Similarly, we don’t know how many times we discovered the impostor for them to be a baby about it. They either rage quit or refuse to vote like they’re punishing us for beating them.
Lastly, there are the trolls. Trolls can take many forms, but the most common is the one that spouts racist or inappropriate comments & names. Trolls are also annoying for the sake of being annoying. One specific instance saw a player named “dumb” mash the keyboard during every meeting. Other times, it’s people trying to get us to follow their Twitch or Tik Tok in the middle of the game.
Getting rid of terrible players
Luckily, InnerSloth put in methods to kick or ban players. You can kick or ban a player in the game lobby or during the game. The host is the only one with the power to kick & ban players. It’s easier when you’re with a group of friends – you might be out of luck if you join a random game.
Kicking or banning a player while in the lobby is the easiest method. To kick or ban players, you go to the chat and tap on the button that looks like a foot kicking. (We think it looks like a whistle.) Then you tap the player you want, select kick or ban, and poof – they’re gone. It’s the same method to kick or ban during the game, except it’s put to a vote to assure the host doesn’t abuse the power.
Possible solutions
InnerSloth is working on possible solutions to terrible players in Among Us. The first is a friend system. We’ve talked about InnerSloth’s desire to implement a friend system before. They are looking to do something like PlayStation Network or Xbox Live so you can befriend players and ask them to play later.
It’s rare to play a game of Among Us with players who don’t rage quit or are super annoying. While you might get a group of five friends over Discord, the friend system would allow you to invite players to fill up the rest of your game, preventing randos from joining.
Some players want InnerSloth to implement stronger penalties for banned, kicked, or quitting players. We don’t know what penalties would look like, but that’s for InnerSloth to decide.
Someone banned me just because. This is not right. I did not even get a reason as to why either. I feel this can easily get out of control. I lost as imposter because I got caught venting then poof I was kicked from the game. I play the mobel version and I don’t have groups to play with.
November 11, 2020Steve
I leave after dying because of the trauma of my character dying. I have ptsd from a character dying in another game I was playing so I find it difficult to deal with. I also think racist trolls are lame and Joanna should call me.
November 16, 2020