2020 is a dumpster fire: These memes nail exactly how we’re feeling
As the title for this article so plainly states, 2020 is a dumpster fire. Maybe not just is, we can probably agree that 2020 is the dumpster fire. We may never see another like it in our lifetimes (or so we hope). One of the only good things to come out of the year is that people are trying hard to have a sense of humor about how terrible it is. So thank you, 2020 meme makers.
At the very least, there is a better understanding of why children’s nursery rhymes like “London Bridge Is Falling Down” and “Ring Around the Rosie” are so freaking dark. 2020 memes will be seen as something quite similar to them. If you want to commiserate and maybe laugh a bit over how awful the year has been, then here are the best 2020 memes to enjoy.
1. The future looking back on 2020
Any time traveler with good sense will probably wince before immediately going back to the future with a simple “nope”. TBH, we wouldn’t blame them either.
2. Took a turn real quick
On Jan. 1, 2020, we were hopeful that the decade would start off well. On Jan. 3, 2020, #WWIII was trending on Twitter. It went downhill from there.
3. What every day feels like rn
The Princess Bride and the Pit of the Despair, predicting 2020’s big mood easily enough since 1987.
4. It didn’t happen in April, but 2020 isn’t over yet
We don’t want the supervolcano under Yellowstone to erupt, but, like, would anyone really be surprised if it did?
5. How 2020 greets us daily
2020 wakes us all up with a punch in the stomach and a kick in the butt. Don’t let anyone say anything different.
6. The memes are pretty fire
Yes, 2020 has been awful. 2020 memes though? They’ve been pretty great. Good work, meme makers of the world. Good work.
7. Same, Veronica, same
Heathers giving us vibes and great meme fodder for the hellish stretch known as March 2020, which lasted a decade.
8. Don’t forget about the murder hornets!
Just, you know, in case you forgot. Murder hornets.