Why is OnlyFans becoming PG? What do these NSFW memes say?
It’s the death of OnlyFans. The website, which became famous for its sexually explicit content, is moving away from sexually explicit content. That’s, obviously, going to be the death keel of the website. Much like how Tumblr’s own sex banned removed what made a lot of that website so great. What will happen to those in the sex industry who use OnlyFans remains unknown at this time, but hopefully something good will happen.
Either way, people have memes and jokes to tell about the downfall of OnlyFans. So here are some of the best OnlyFans memes that we could dig up on Twitter for you to laugh at. Let’s get steamy with the memes. Be forewarned, OnlyFans may be going PG but this content is NSFW.
Lmfao I do have a real job I just like the extra spending money from #OnlyFans
They may not be able to find the clit, but they sure can find the audacity. pic.twitter.com/UwFmYdKxkD— Lindsay (@HotMessExdotOrg) August 20, 2021
He misses his sense of humor. Much like how he misses a G-spot.
Onlyfans models explaining there previous work experience pic.twitter.com/lXwdsYd72X
— Immortalrodeo (@immortalrodeo) August 20, 2021
Pour one out
How do you explain that in a job interview?
OnlyFans executives spotted fleeing corporate office after instantly bankrupting company #onlyfans pic.twitter.com/E6LJ9q2MTL
— Alex Bergman (@Alex_Bergman1) August 20, 2021
Is this a kink, OnlyFans executives?
Look if they wanted to get f***ed, then there are more ways to do it.
When onlyfans girls gotta work a 9-5 job pic.twitter.com/hlZVzM0aJ6
— Sun Beamin (@liverbankk) August 20, 2021
Sugar daddy sites are about to see an increase
What happens to the thots when the money isn’t coming in?
After OnlyFans removed porn pic.twitter.com/IdB6TIzE4Q
— Adam (@adamgreattweet) August 20, 2021
Suggestions abound
Always keep on hoeing.
Greatly enjoying the OnlyFans takes from people trying to pretend that them having a wank is really an act of philanthropy.
— Helen Lewis (@helenlewis) August 20, 2021
Bye porn
But still, it’s kind of awful that it’s happening.
nOw onLyFanS GiRLs wiLL nEeD a rEaL jOb shut up. shut the fuck up. shut up
— Foxdrop (@Foxdroplol) August 20, 2021
Ah the hypocrites
But yeah it’s definitely a double standard of hypocrisy up in here.
I really hope the sex workers that made a bag on #Onlyfans really invested because come oct what’s next for ya? Im just curious 🧐
— #NOSHADE, NO TEA (@Forthegworlss) August 20, 2021
Hope that money has been invested well!
So #onlyfans is going from Hustler to Playboy?
— Victor Varnado (@varnado) August 20, 2021
Burn! Snap!
Investors be like "Hello Onlyfans I would like to make less money".
— Countatollah Al Dankhulla🏴߷ (@CountDankulaTV) August 20, 2021
Looks like
Investors apparently do be like that.