Appropriate for kids: Keep it G-rated with these family-friendly memes
It’s the holiday season, when we get together with friends & family to stuff our faces with sugar and get criticized by Grandma for our life choices. Naturally, we tend to gravitate to family members the same age as us, so we want to share the best from the internet. But what if you’re dealing with memes for your younger kid cousins?
Most memes aren’t meant for your younger family members. If you’re looking for memes that won’t get you yelled at by your aunt, we found these memes for kids. You could even show these to your great uncle – but good luck trying to explain what a meme is to him.
You get what you ask for
There’s a reason moms are so strict about making sure you add what you want to the grocery list.
Getting the concert ready
You need to make sure you have the perfect songs to belt your heart out to. Just make sure everyone else in your house has earplugs.
The laugh is worth it
Sometimes acting like a complete fool just for one person is the joy you need to get through the day.
Carey is coming
You already know the minute November 1st rolls around you’ll never be able to escape Mariah Carey.
Maybe the real gift was friendship
Sure, kids won’t get this meme – but they get the idea of giving friendship as a gift.
Year of disaster
Really this meme is for kids, adults, and anyone who had to help someone homeschool this year. If you want more digital school memes, we have a full article dedicated to them here.
Aren’t moms great?
Truly, moms are the superheroes we all should be looking up to. They always have us covered in the most awkward of situations.
The math doesn’t add up
Is it just us, or does it get really irritating when this happens? These machines are definitely not as smart as we give them credit for.
Serotonin achieved
Nothing in this world beats the feeling of jumping into a pile of fresh, crunchy leaves.
“Wow, how blind are you?”
Anyone who wears glasses knows this moment far too well. Yes, we’re blind, we know. We wouldn’t be wearing glasses if we could see.