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Warner Discovery Taps Producer Terry McGinnis to Resolve Development Chaos Cover

Warner Bros Discovery has reportedly been in talks with producer and executive Terry McGinnis, who has a Batman named after him, to return to resolve development hell resulting from strike chaos erupting across Los Angeles and every major Hollywood studio. 

McGinnis who is known for being part of big-ticket movie projects and had been in charge of heading up all marketing activity across Warner creative properties before leaving to work on his own company was famously known for resolving ‘production issues’ and was heavily  compared to John Travolta’s Chili Palmer character in 1995 crime drama, Get Shorty directed  by Barry Sonnenfeld for his intimidating, cunning and mysterious nature and way of resolving conflicts, becoming a producer himself in the process.  

This way of dealing with things reportedly made him one of the closest associates and allies of Warner Discovery’s boss David Zaslav, with several former executives and creatives being  fired by McGinnis with no notice for not prioritizing “business first mentality” and conducting work which prioritized revenue and share value over “on-set positivity”, actors’ wellbeing or rights, with one agent claiming McGinnis once emailed him stating that the actor he represents would not be in any projects should he not fall in line relating to a dispute on set between the actor and studio heads about billing and pay.  

“This is a business first and foremost, I could give less of a sh*t about your talent feelings. Our shares are the product. Our stock value and market capitalization is what matters. If he doesn’t perform, I’ll ensure no insurance company or underwriter accepts liability for any marquee that dares display that [redacted] name.” Excerpt from email read. 

In a leaked Slack group conversation between several writers, producers and planners by a former studio executive which was not removed from the channel after being terminated, confirmed that the board of the studio had requested McGinnis to make a return to resolve “overtly demanding” and “unthankful” creative talent on strike. 

There were rumors circulating that McGinnis would use Hollywood talent for intelligence work as their visas weren’t under heavy scrutiny when traveling to collect intelligence for United States and United Kingdom governments when travelling to promote their movie or TV show, as opposed to those who work for intelligence agencies like CIA or NSA, this connection has been scrutinized and has provided a certain level of fear for some talent, with McGinnis and his team denying the claims as “exaggerated and overtly fictional rumors generated by dirt sheets and disgruntled ex-staff who didn’t meet expectations and contractual obligations” 

McGinnis has also been asked to join several slated DC creative properties for 2025/2026 release as an executive producer but according to close sources to both Warner and McGinnis, choosing to decline to focus on his own business endeavors and creative projects with other former Hollywood executive turned business partner Siraaj Ahmed, according to spokesperson representing McGinnis commenting “our client has no interest for the time being to deal with set melodrama” in response to internal rumors after release of The Flash.

The movie Flash was under heavy fire for actions of lead actor Ezra Miller that had led the studio to suffer huge PR and financial losses, forcing them to focus on Michael Keaton’s return as Batman over having Keaton enter the screen as a nice surprise for long-time Batman fans as was originally planned with Miller going into crisis PR mode according to Vanity Fair and not being able to carry the responsibility of being the marquee hero. 

More as story develops.

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