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Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Bedroom Pillows

Pillows are essential for a comfortable and restful sleep but can also harbour dirt, dust, sweat, and allergens over time. That’s why it’s essential to wash your pillows regularly. The frequency of washing will depend on the type of pillow you have and how often you use it. You should wash most pillows every 6 months to 1 year.

This comprehensive guide provides expert tips on effectively washing your pillows at home and explores the convenience of pillow washing services.

Why Pillow Cleaning Matters?

As you rest your head on your pillow night after night, it accumulates various substances that can affect your hygiene and sleep quality. Dust mites, allergens, sweat, and oils from your skin can penetrate the pillow’s surface, leading to a less-than-pleasant sleep experience. Moreover, an unclean pillow can exacerbate allergies and respiratory issues.

Expert Tips for Washing Your Bedroom Pillows

  1. Check the Care Label: Always check the care label on your pillows before cleaning. Some pillows may be machine washable, while others require specific cleaning methods. Adhering to these guidelines prevents any potential damage.
  2. Types of Pillows: Different pillow types (down, synthetic, memory foam, etc.) require specific care. Synthetic pillows are generally machine washable, while down and memory foam pillows may need more delicate handling.
  3. Pre-Treatment: To tackle stains, use a gentle stain remover or a mixture of mild detergent and water. Apply the solution to the stain, gently scrub with a soft cloth, and rinse thoroughly.
  4. Machine Washing: Place two pillows in the washing machine to balance the load for machine-washable pillows. Use a delicate cycle using warm water and a soft detergent. Avoid using excessive amounts of detergent, as this might cause residue buildup. A second rinse cycle helps ensure all detergent is removed.
  5. Hand Washing: Delicate pillows like down or memory foam may require hand washing. Add mild detergent in lukewarm water. Gently agitate the water and immerse the pillow, pressing it to remove dirt. Rinse the pillow thoroughly until the water runs clear.
  6. Drying Process: Proper drying is crucial to prevent mould and mildew growth. Synthetic pillows can be dried in the dryer on a low heat setting with clean tennis balls to fluff them. Down pillows can also be dried on low heat, which may take several cycles. Memory foam pillows should be air-dried away from direct sunlight.
  7. Fluffing and Shaping: Fluff and reshape the pillow to restore its original form after drying. This step is essential for down and memory foam pillows.

Professional Pillow Washing Services

While washing your pillows at home can be effective, professional pillow cleaning services offer more expertise and convenience. Professional pillow cleaning services have become increasingly popular for their ability to rejuvenate and extend the life of your pillows without the hassle of DIY methods.

Benefits of Professional Pillow Cleaning Service:

  1. Expertise: Professional services are well-versed in the intricacies of different pillow types and fabrics. They employ appropriate cleaning techniques to ensure your pillows are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised without causing damage.
  2. Specialised Equipment: Pillow cleaning services use specialised equipment to remove deeply embedded dirt, allergens, and contaminants. This equipment can achieve a level of cleanliness that’s challenging to replicate at home.
  3. Allergen Removal: Professional cleaning services can effectively remove allergens and ensure a healthier sleep environment for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues.
  4. Convenience: By using expert services, you can save time and effort. You can drop off your pillows and have them returned to you in pristine condition.
  5. Longevity: Properly cleaned and maintained pillows have a longer lifespan. Professional cleaning can help you avoid frequently replacing pillows, saving you money in the long run.


Clean pillows are essential for a comfortable and healthy sleep environment. Regularly cleaning your bedroom pillows at home or through professional pillow-washing services ensures you get the most out of your investment. By following expert tips and considering professional cleaning options, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a restful night’s sleep on clean, fresh, and allergen-free pillows.

You can hire a pillow-washing service if you don’t have time to wash your pillows. These services will come to your home to wash, dry, and sanitise your pillows.

Hello Laundry helps you keep your pillows clean and fresh. We use a gentle cleaning process that won’t damage your pillows. We also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can be sure that your pillows will be clean and sanitised.

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