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The Life And Legacy Of Moses


Exploring The Man Who Led The Israelites Out Of Slavery


Moses is a crucial figure in the histories of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He is renowned for leading the Israelites out of Egypt’s slavery and receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. Although Moses’ life and teachings have inspired various books, films, and works of art, the most detailed account of his life is found in the Book of Moses. Let us delve into Moses’ life and legacy concerning Lester Picker’s book ‘Moses’.

Early Life of Moses

Moses’ early life was marked by danger and uncertainty. The Israelites, descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had migrated to Egypt due to a famine in their land. Initially, they were welcomed and provided with fertile land to settle. Still, as their population grew, they threatened the ruling Pharaoh, who saw them as potential allies of his enemies.

To prevent the Israelites from rising up against him, the Pharaoh ordered the killing of all Hebrew baby boys. It was during that era that Moses was born to a Levite family. Moses’ mother was worried about his safety, so she put him in a basket and placed him on the Nile River, hoping that someone would discover him and give him a home.

As fate would have it, the basket floated down the river and was found by the Pharaoh’s daughter. Moved by the infant’s plight, she adopted and raised him as her son. Thus, Moses grew up in the royal court, enjoying all the privileges of a prince.

However, as he grew older, Moses became increasingly aware of his Hebrew heritage and the mistreatment of his people by the Egyptians. This awareness was highlighted when he witnessed an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave. Incensed by this injustice, Moses intervened and killed the Egyptians.

Fearing retribution, Moses fled to the desert, where he lived as a shepherd for the next 40 years. During this time, he likely struggled with the guilt and shame of his past actions while pondering his life’s meaning and seeking a deeper connection with God. The desert was a place of solitude and contemplation, and it was here that Moses would have had the opportunity to confront his own demons and come to terms with his identity and purpose.

Moses’ early experiences would prove to be formative, shaping him into a man of courage and conviction willing to stand up for his beliefs, even at significant personal risk. They would remind people of their plight and the need for their liberation from slavery.

Encountering God

The encounter between Moses and God at the burning bush was pivotal in the prophet’s life. As he tended to his flock in the desert, Moses saw a burning bush not consumed by the flames. Intrigued, he approached the bush, and God spoke to him from within it.

God chose Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. At first, Moses was reluctant to accept this daunting responsibility. He questioned his abilities, unsure how to bring such a monumental change. However, with God’s guidance and assurance, Moses eventually agreed to take on the task.

With his brother Aaron, Moses confronted the Pharaoh and demanded that he release the Israelites from their enslavement. When the Pharaoh refused, God sent a series of ten plagues upon Egypt. These plagues were meant to demonstrate God’s power and convince the Pharaoh to change his ways.

The plagues were a series of devastating events that wreaked havoc on Egypt. They included the Nile turning to blood, swarms of locusts, and a plague of frogs. The deadliest plague was the Plague of the Firstborn, which killed all firstborn sons in Egypt except for those of the Israelites who had marked their doors with lamb’s blood as a sign of faith.

After this final and devastating plague, the Pharaoh relented and agreed to let the Israelites go. With God’s help, Moses led his people out of Egypt and into the desert. Despite their challenges, including food and water shortages and hostile tribes, Moses remained steadfast in his commitment to leading his people to freedom.

The Exodus

The Exodus was a major moment in the history of the Israelites. They escaped slavery in Egypt and started their journey to the Promised Land. Moses, chosen by God to lead his people, played a crucial role in this event.

The Pharaoh initially refused to let the Israelites go, even in the face of the ten plagues God had sent to convince him, after the death of his own son during the final and most devastating plague that he relented and agreed to release the Israelites.

Moses gained the Pharaoh’s permission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert. This was no easy feat, as they had to traverse treacherous terrain and face many challenges along the way, including food and water shortages, hostile tribes, and internal conflicts.

Despite these difficulties, Moses remained resolute in leading his people to freedom. Moses drew strength from his faith in God and his ability to encourage and motivate his fellow Israelites, inspiring them to continue their journey even when it became challenging.

During their time in the desert, Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. These commandments formed the foundation of the Israelites’ religious and moral code. They were considered essential for maintaining a just and harmonious society.

Moses also had to contend with the Israelites’ constant grumbling and disobedience. Despite the many miracles and blessings that God had bestowed upon them, they often complained about their situation and were prone to rebellious behaviour.

However, Moses remained steadfast in his leadership, guiding and supporting his people through their trials and tribulations. His fellow Israelites respected and admired him for his unshakable devotion to God and his people. It ensured his place in history as one of the most outstanding leaders of all time.

Legacy of Moses

Moses’ legacy extends far beyond the Exodus and the Ten Commandments Moses is considered among the most essential prophets in Judaism. His teachings have significantly influenced the three major monotheistic religions in the world.

In Judaism, Moses is known as Moshe Rabbeinu, or Moses, our Teacher. He is credited with writing the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, known as the Torah, which serves as the foundation of Jewish law and tradition.

In Christianity, Moses is regarded as a forerunner of Jesus Christ and a symbol of the salvation that he brings. The Ten Commandments are seen as a precursor to the teachings of Jesus, and Moses’ leadership of the Israelites out of slavery is seen as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ deliverance of humanity from sin.

In Islam, Moses is considered a prophet of God and a model of righteous behaviour. Moses’ leadership in leading the Israelites out of Egypt is celebrated during Eid al-Fitr. His teachings are believed to be in line with those of earlier prophets like Abraham and Noah.

To Wrap Up, Moses is a towering figure in the history of the world’s major religions. As the leader of the Israelites, he played a crucial role in shaping the cultural and religious identity of the Jewish people. Through his courage, determination, and faith in God, Moses succeeded in taking the Israelites out of slavery and into the Promised Land. His life and legacy continue to inspire people around the world to this day.


For someone interested in learning facts about the life of Moses, the book “Moses” by Lester Picker is an excellent resource. This well-researched and engaging book provides a detailed account of Moses’ life and the historical context in which he lived. From his upbringing as an Egyptian prince to his role as the leader of the Israelites, Picker’s book brings to life the story of one of the most influential figures in human history.

Moses’ story has been retold and reinterpreted throughout history in the book of Moses, with each generation finding new insights and meanings in his story. From the ancient Israelites to modern-day scholars and theologians, Moses has continued to captivate our imaginations and challenge our understanding of faith, leadership, and human nature.

In conclusion, Moses’ life and legacy are a testament to the power of faith, courage, and perseverance. By leading the Israelites out of slavery and into the Promised Land, he set an example for future generations of leaders. His story continues to inspire people of all backgrounds to this day. The book of Moses remains a timeless source of wisdom and guidance for anyone seeking to understand the complex interplay of faith, history, and human nature.

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