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The cheapest method to get white teeth

The cost of teeth whitening is very varied; the price ranges are always associated with the type of whitening procedures and the product. One of the most expensive methods is practiced in dental offices. However, this procedure is the most effective in the short term and ensures that you get the results you are looking for. However, we want to talk to you about over-the-counter teeth whitening options in this article. So if you are looking for a middle ground in teeth whitening procedures, kits may be a good option. These home whitening kits with affordable costs can be an excellent option to undergo a teeth whitening procedure, obtain perfect results and not allocate a high budget to carry it out. It would help if you kept in mind that the whitening results are not permanent; you will continue with the teeth whitening malaysia treatment as the marks disappear.

What are the teeth whitening options that I can use?

You have three main options that you can turn to for teeth whitening treatment. These options are based on varying concentrations of different peroxides and chemicals and other application times. More about these can also be found here.

Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products

The cheapest and most convenient over-the-counter methods of teeth whitening treatment are based on the use of a whitening kit that you can buy in drugstores and supermarkets. These contain lower whitening gel than the kits you can buy through dental health professionals. Using single-size trays, strips, or brush-shaped applicators, you can apply the gel to your teeth. In some cases, this method only whitens a few front teeth, compared to custom whitening trays made by a professional that can whiten the entire smile.

Home kits administered by a dental health professional

At-home whitening kits administered by oral health professionals may give you better long-term results. These kits usually contain an easy-to-administer peroxide gel at a lower concentration that you can leave on your teeth for a couple of hours. In some cases, the concentration administered by a professional is designed to stay on your teeth overnight. Because the lower the concentration of peroxide, the longer you can safely leave it on your teeth. You can apply the gel to your teeth using a custom-made splint or tray.

Whitening procedures in the dental office

One of the most significant benefits of the whitening procedure in the dental office is that you can obtain substantial changes in a short period. This procedure includes the controlled use of a relatively high concentration peroxide gel. The dentist uses this, and he proceeds to apply it to your teeth after protecting your gums with a sponge or rubber dam. The gel can remain on your teeth for approximately 15 to 20 minutes and is applied in this time interval. With this type of treatment, you may require more than one session, or you can also continue the therapy at home. This evaluation will be given to you by the dentist at the end of your assessment.

How white can my teeth be after using whitening methods?

The results may vary from one person to another; some people have achieved the expected results with simple methods. However, some other people may require more in-depth whitening methods. So we recommend that you consult a professional before using any product to whiten your teeth. The dentist will know how to assess your case and will be able to give you the most appropriate suggestions for your case. In this way, you will avoid falling into disappointment or damaging your teeth with methods that do not suit your needs.

Whitening or bleaching?

Surely you have heard these two concepts; however, it may not be clear to you the difference between them. The term “bleaching” is used in procedures that are carried out to give a color beyond the natural color of your teeth. In other words, this procedure will allow you to get a color above your natural tooth color. However, the term “whitening” is more aimed at recovering the natural color of your teeth. Remove yellow or gray stains as well as residues. So any product you use that helps you clean your teeth will be granted tooth whitening.

Define your teeth whitening goals

Now that you know the difference between the concepts of bleaching and bleaching, you will be able to focus your attention and budget to invest in the method that suits your main objective. If you want to restore the natural color of your teeth, we suggest you try over-the-counter products and follow the instructions. Remember that consistency is a crucial success factor in these methods. If you need professional assistance, do not hesitate to see your dentist.

How many types of stains are there on teeth?

There are generally two categories of tooth stains: extrinsic stains and intrinsic stains.

  •  Extrinsic stains appear on the surface of the teeth caused by the consumption of tobacco, dark foods and beverages, and daily natural wear. These stains are considered minor and can be removed with daily brushing and dental cleaning.
  • Intrinsic stains are those that appear inside the teeth. Its origin can be the result of aging, trauma or exposure to minerals, and excessive intake of fluoride. These stains can seem challenging to treat. However, there are now proven methods to remove these stains altogether safely.

Most common reasons why our teeth become stained

There are many reasons why our teeth can become stained, so we will review the most common causes so that you can identify in advance to treat the stains and work on an adequate budget.

  • Eating habits, the habitual consumption of red wine, cigarettes, coffee, tea, cola drinks, carrots, oranges and, in general, foods with dark or intense colors, can contribute to staining our teeth.
  • Smoking nicotine usually leaves brown or brown residues that are capable of being impregnated on the surface of our teeth. They are capable of causing intrinsic discolouration and bad breath and leading to gingivitis.
  • Medications and excessive fluoride consumption can cause discolouration with the appearance of faint white spots on the enamel of the teeth. The use of tetracycline during the formation of teeth can cause brown, dark or dark or gray stains that are difficult to treat.
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