The Amazing Benefits of Building a Catio for Your Cat
Your indoor cat wants to go outside, but you know keeping cats indoors is safer. So, what should a concerned cat guardian do?
Catios, or cat patios, are on the rise. These screened-in porches for cats provide enrichment and a (safe) opportunity for them to spend time outside. An outdoor cat enclosure can be as basic as a window box or as complex as a room with a floor, a roof, and furniture for people and pets.
This article will teach you more about catio and its benefits for your feline companion.
Ease Problems if You Have Multiple Cats
Cats are territorial and solitary hunters. While your cat may learn to share indoor space with another cat, they will most likely still appreciate some alone time. A catio is an appealing method to give extra territory and stimulation to your home pets, which can help lessen conflicts and behavioral issues.
Good Neighbor Relations
Cats are not for everyone. Even if your neighbors enjoy cats, they might not appreciate them using their garden or yard as a litter box. Territorial conflicts between felines can occur if they are cat guardians, resulting in vet expenditures, worry, or strained relationships. A catio not only keeps a cat in your yard but may also serve as a conversation starter!
Help Reduce Indoor Odors
If you have one or more cats, another useful option is to include a litter box in your catio. It also helps to limit the amount of odor-causing waste in your home, but an outdoor litter box should never be used instead of an indoor litter box. A good rule of thumb is to provide cats with at least one litter box.
Limit the Population of Free-Roaming Cats
By preventing your cat from traveling freely, you minimize the number of roaming cats in your community by at least one. If your cat is an unneutered male, he may contribute to the unwanted litter left to fend for themselves outside. Combined with spaying or neutering, a catio can help limit the number of free-roaming cats in your neighborhood.
Peace of Mind
A catio reduces the worry about your outdoor cat’s safety and the guilt of stifling its natural want to be outside. Also, a catio can provide peace of mind, knowing your cat is always safe and sheltered while enjoying the wind in their whiskers.
Promote Human and Feline Bonding Outdoors
A catio can be created large enough for a chair, sofa, or reading bench. Nothing beats having a cat on your lap for bonding and a cat nap!
Also, nature and fresh air are beneficial to humans. So, spending quality time together outside of the home might help deepen your cat’s bond with you.
Protect Your Cat
A free-roaming outdoor cat may be injured by automobiles, predators such as dogs, coyotes, or raccoons, or maybe chased up a tree. Poisons such as antifreeze or insecticides, parasite exposure, and being lost or trapped in a neighbor’s garage are all potential hazards. So, a cat who appreciates nature within a catio is safe from outdoor dangers.
Provide a Healthy Outdoor Lifestyle
Indoor cats can spend hours by a window looking for the sun’s warmth, glancing at passers-by, or wishing for independence. A catio can provide them with a safe environment to exercise, observe birds and other wildlife, and relax. It’s an excellent method to provide your cat with daily enrichment and a safe outdoor experience.
Reduce Vet Bills
Infected cats or wildlife can spread diseases like FIV, FeLV, and rabies to your cat, resulting in vet expenditures. A catio can help decrease or eliminate vet expenditures and stress associated with your cat’s injury.
Safeguard Birds and Wildlife
According to a study, free-roaming cats kill almost 2.4 billion birds yearly. While it is true that unowned or feral cats kill more birds than indoor and tamed ones, who wants to risk adding to the problem with their beloved pet?
How to Build a Catio
Now that you know the benefits of catios for your pet cat, you may consider building them one. You still have many possibilities for building a catio even with limited time or construction tools and abilities. To help you out, here’s a guideline on how you can build a catio:
Choose a design that uses wood, metal, or other durable, nontoxic materials. Other materials, such as dog kennel panels, can be repurposed to save costs.
Choose to build directly on grass, sand, or soil (some cats may use it as a litter box) or make a floor.
Check if the roof is robust enough to withstand any snowfall.
A catio is an excellent location for a cat tree, shelves, or other scratching and climbing devices. You can also install a cat hammock, cat wheel, or other pet furniture that would otherwise be inconvenient in your home.
Build it so you can see it from your house, and consider adding lighting if your cat has access to it at night.
Cats are excellent climbers and diggers, so make your catio escape-proof. There should be no gaps for cats, even on top. Also, avoid anything that could snag a collar.
Your cat will require ventilation and a warm spot to hide from the cold, rain, and sun in warm weather. You’ll also want to keep other animals out, so ensure your catio structure is sturdy and all components securely fastened. If you live in a location with coyotes, bears, or other large predators, a catio may not be the best option unless it is exceedingly solid.
Things to Include in Your Catio
Whether you buy a pre-built catio or build one yourself, include the following items to give it a domestic feel:
Provide a bowl of fresh water, particularly on hot days.
Litter Box
Make a litter box or easy access to the inside of your home available.
More Cat Accessories
Add more stuff in the catio, so your pet won’t get bored, and look to other places outside where they can play around. You can check luxury cat accessories and invest in quality things you know your cat will need.
Room for You
If you want to spend time in the catio, ensure it has a human-sized entrance and room for a chair, side table, lamp, or other accessories.
Take Care of Your Cat’s Well-being
Catios come in various styles and sizes to fit your house and yard. So, you can think of various ideas for setting up a catio for your cat. As you have learned in this article, there are many benefits your pet can get from this additional space in your home. Indeed, catios are worth the investment to enhance your beloved feline’s well-being.