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The first step to becoming a professional tattoo artist is learning the basics. Here's everything you need to know about this career.

6 Steps to Becoming a Professional Tattoo Artist

If you’re interested in turning your passion for tattooing into a full-time career, becoming a professional tattoo artist is an exciting and rewarding path. However, it’s important to understand that becoming a tattoo artist requires dedication and hard work, not just tattoo ideas and a lot of hope. This article will outline five steps to help you start your journey to becoming a professional tattoo artist.

  • Learning the basics

The first step to becoming a professional tattoo artist is learning the basics. This includes understanding how to set up and maintain your equipment, mix and apply ink, and properly sterilize your work area. Several resources are available to help you learn the fundamentals, including online tutorials, apprenticeships, and tattoo school. No matter which resource you choose, it’s crucial that you take the time to learn the basics before attempting to tattoo others.

Once you’ve understood the basics of tattooing, it’s time to start building your portfolio. This is a collection of your best work that you can show to potential clients to demonstrate your skills and style. One way to start building your portfolio is by practicing with friends and family members. Not only will this allow you to gain experience, but you’ll also be able to take photos of your work to include in your portfolio. As you improve and gain more experience, continue adding to your portfolio to showcase your range and ability.

  • Build your portfolio

In most states, it is required by law for tattoo artists to be licensed to practice professionally. Requirements for licensure vary by state but generally include completing a certain number of hours of training, passing an exam, and paying a fee. To find out the specific requirements in your area, it’s a good idea to check with your local health department. Obtaining a license may require significant time and effort, but it’s an important step in becoming a professional tattoo artist.

get a tattoo

  • Get licensed

One way to gain valuable hands-on experience and learn from experienced tattoo artists is through an apprenticeship. Many tattoo shops offer apprenticeship programs, so it’s worth reaching out to see if any are available in your area. Alternatively, you can find an apprenticeship through a tattoo school or by networking with other tattoo artists. Apprenticeships can be a great way to gain practical experience and build your portfolio while you work towards becoming a professional tattoo artist.

  • Find an apprenticeship

Once you’re ready to start taking on paying clients, it’s important to establish a professional presence. This includes setting up a website or social media profiles to showcase your work and promote your services and setting clear policies and procedures for booking appointments and interacting with clients. By establishing yourself as a professional tattoo artist, you’ll be able to attract more clients and build a successful career in the industry.

get a tattoo

  • Establish a professional presence

In conclusion, becoming a professional tattoo artist requires learning the basics, building a portfolio, obtaining a license, finding an apprenticeship, and establishing a professional presence. While the process may seem daunting initially, you can turn your passion for tattooing into a rewarding career with dedication and hard work. Remember to continue learning and improving your skills throughout your career, as this will help you stay competitive.


To recap, the five steps to becoming a professional tattoo artist are:

  1. Learn the basics of tattooing: This includes understanding how to set up and maintain your equipment, mix and apply ink, and properly sterilize your work area. Several resources are available to help you learn the fundamentals, including online tutorials, apprenticeships, and tattoo school.
  2. Build your portfolio: A portfolio is a collection of your best work that you can show to potential clients to demonstrate your skills and style. Practice on friends and family members to gain experience and take photos of your work to include in your portfolio. As you improve and gain more experience, continue to add to your portfolio to showcase your range and ability.
  3. Get licensed: In most states, it is required by law for tattoo artists to be licensed to practice professionally. Requirements for licensure vary by state but generally include completing a certain number of hours of training, passing an exam, and paying a fee. Check with your local health department to determine the specific requirements in your area.
  4. Find an apprenticeship: An apprenticeship is a great way to gain hands-on experience and learn from experienced tattoo artists. Many tattoo shops offer apprenticeship programs, or you can find one through a tattoo school or by networking with other tattoo artists.
  5. Establish a professional presence: Set up a website or social media profile to showcase your work, promote your services, and create clear policies and procedures for booking appointments and interacting with clients. This will help you attract more clients and build a successful career in the tattoo industry.

By following these steps and committing to continuous learning and improvement, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career as a professional tattoo artist. Good luck on your journey!

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