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Prices of Golden Retrievers and Siberian Huskies in India

Golden Retrievers and Siberian Huskies are both very famous dogs in India. People like to keep them in their homes. When it comes to the matter of price, there are certain factors that influence the prices of these dogs.

In this article, we will discuss a comparison of the prices and popularity of both dogs. As for the Golden Retriever, it gains an advantage due to its friendly and charming nature. Its popularity is not only prominent in India but also worldwide.


However, this doesn’t mean that the Husky is a less popular breed. The Husky’s appearance might seem aggressive, but it also possesses a friendly nature. Almost both dogs are equally favored in India.

Golden Retriever & Husky price in India

As you know, India is the seventh-largest country in the world, consisting of many states. That’s why the price of a Golden Retriever varies across India. As states change, you will come across variations in prices.

So, if you wish to buy a Golden Retriever in India, this article available on Danwaon can provide you with comprehensive information about this breed, allowing you to learn more about the Golden Retriever price in India.

Similarly, when it comes to the price of Siberian Huskies in India, you should have an idea of the price in each state. Because the price varies in each state. Therefore, to know the price of Huskies in India, click on this informative source.

Factors Affecting the Prices of Golden and Husky

As we discuss the prices vary in different states. Here are the factors that can affect the prices of these famous dog breeds in India.

Breeder Reputation: Reputable breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs may charge a higher price.

A good breeder is always crucial for the proper growth of a good puppy. This is because if the breeder provides the dog with a good environment, healthcare, and proper feeding, it becomes very important for the early growth of the dog.

Health Clearances: Responsible breeders ensure that their dogs are free from common hereditary health issues, which can influence the cost.

Location: Prices can differ across cities due to variations in demand and availability. Location is a major factor in the prices of dogs in India. As Mumbai is a city where people are more interested in dog breeding but on the other hand dog demand in many other cities in India is low.

So, where people are fond of dogs there will be high prices and where the demand will be low the prices of Golden and Husky will also be low.

Coat Color and Markings: Unusual coat colors and markings can create an impact on the cost of a Siberian Husky.

Age: Puppies are generally more expensive than older dogs. and it is good practice to pick a puppy instead of an older dog. Raising puppies is also beneficial because you become familiar with all their habits, and you can train the puppy according to your preferences.

Along with this, you can also groom the puppy as you like. Additionally, a puppy spends more time with you compared to an adult dog.

Demand and Availability: If there’s high demand and limited availability in your area, prices could be higher.

Other Expenses

Apart from the initial cost of acquiring the dog, there are several other expenses associated with keeping a dog:

Veterinary Care: Regular check-ups, vaccinations, preventive treatments (such as flea and tick control), and unexpected medical expenses can add up over time.

Food and Treats: High-quality dog food that suits your dog’s age, size, and health needs can be a significant ongoing expense. Treats, dental chews, and supplements might also be included.

Grooming: Regular grooming expenses for grooming tools, professional grooming appointments, shampoos, and conditioners should be considered, especially for breeds with specific grooming requirements.

Training and Socialization: If you plan to enroll your dog in training classes or hire a professional trainer, there will be associated costs. Socialization outings and supplies for training (like treats and toys) are also expenses to account for.


Before you decide to bring home a Golden Retriever or Siberian Husky, it’s essential to consider the initial cost of purchase as well as the long-term expenses of raising a dog. Remember that the cost of a dog is just one aspect – their health, happiness, and the joy they bring into your life are priceless.

If you’re interested in learning more about these breeds’ prices and what to expect when welcoming them into your home, don’t forget to visit the links provided above. Make an informed decision and enjoy the wonderful journey of pet ownership.

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