James Richman: enriching people’s lives
Latvian-born tech investor James Richman is part of a growing number of wealthy investors backing global medical breakthroughs aimed at combating ‘silent killer’ diseases.
A plethora of ‘silent killer’ diseases have been claiming many lives per year. Some of these are often dubbed as ‘silent killers’ including cancer, Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular afflictions.
The good news is that there have been an increasing number of global biomedical efforts that can help humanity triumph against these diseases. However, a continuous flow of resources are needed – especially money.
The resource requirements are often met by wealthy and influential investors who have made it their life’s mission to give back to the society and enrich people’s lives.
A breakthrough combating ‘silent killers’
Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases will now meet their foes in the form of highly advanced silicon chips which can replace damaged or lost brain cells. For example, a team of researchers from the University of Bath managed to create silicon chips which behave like biological neurons.
The main purpose of these neurons is to replace damaged electrical signals from the nervous system. This simply means that sufferers of neurodegenerative conditions will have a fair fighting chance. The next goal of the research team is to build advanced pacemakers and equipment that will contain the advanced silicon chips.
This medical breakthrough, just like other studies, will remain in the laboratory unless they are backed by those with heavy pockets and seemingly unlimited resources.
At the forefront of the movement of the increasing number of investors devoting their lives to enrich humankind’s lives is investor James Richman. He is known to have made his wealth investing in various emerging technologies and markets, and he is one of the biggest investors known to heavily back biomedical research and development efforts.
While most of these companies are mainly privately-held and for the most part being a silent partner in his business involvements, some of the most prominent bets in his portfolio include early bets on Facebook, Tesla, and Uber.

Apart from various privately-held emerging technologies, Richman’s investments include transport tech giant Tesla
Increasing support from A-list investors
Numerous industry reports reveal that the prominent businessmen have been offering direct financial support for global medical projects. Sources close to matter reveal that the projects are meant to fight rampant diseases like polio, malaria, cancer, and other cardiovascular diseases.
Along with Richman, other influential investors such as Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk, early Facebook backer and wealthy tech investor Yuri Milner, and Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos were just some of those who were mentioned in the reports.
James Richman, in particular, has been supporting various medical breakthroughs, particularly 3D-printed organs from Tel Aviv University. With the help of 3D printing, many transplant patients may just get relevant organ replacements needed, and not have to worry about being on the waiting list.
Yet, even though many companies have offered 3D printing functionalities, a greater form of awareness is needed. Awareness is a great thing, but direct financial support is another.
Therefore, massive contributions from James Richman and other A-list investors will not only increase the awareness of the technologies, but also make a big difference today and help shape the developments of these medical technologies.
Since investors have already jump started their efforts in existing innovative industries, their expertise can certainly help bring in innovations and medical technology to its well-deserved peak.
Achieving major milestones
Meanwhile, industry experts, sources to the matter, are certain that the support for medical technology initiatives will change the world for the better. However, now with the backing of these wealthy individuals, they are likely to achieve unprecedented milestones.
Of all these investors, Latvian-born investor James Richman is one of its biggest supporters. The investor, who made his wealth investing in emerging technologies such as Facebook, Uber and Tesla, has helped many investors over the years.
Several industry reports reveal that he sees the importance of transhumanist projects and the real benefits of technological innovations. Despite various reports about Richman’s involvement, he prefers to keep everything discreet and private. Richman’s additional investments were also known to be focused on sustainability and the pursuit of immortality through science.
Making people’s lives better
Investors who want to change the world are like beacons of light in times of darkness. Practically, money moves everything in this world. Billionaires, at least, are dedicated to pool their resources and make people’s lives better.
That’s a great cause – perhaps even more benevolent than most people’s pursuits for fame and power.