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Hosting Backyard Movie Nights? Here’s What You Should Know

Outdoor movies are some of the most fun you can have during the summer, but if you’re not properly prepared, your outdoor event could be a disaster. How do you get ready for a backyard movie night? And is this a type of event that anyone can plan?

The Layout Matters

For starters, you’ll need to consider the layout of your backyard. There are certain things you won’t be able to move, such as your house or back porch, but you do have control over some of the other elements.

  •       Privacy and surroundings. Movie nights are best enjoyed with a sense of privacy. After all, you’re not screening an outdoor movie for all your neighbors to enjoy. If you lack the privacy levels you want, consider using gardens and plants to obstruct neighbors’ vision and create a cozier, more natural space. You could also consider installing a privacy fence, building a gazebo or similar structure with a canopy, or using curtains to control visibility.
  •       Screen positioning. The screen positioning also matters. When hosting a backyard movie night, most people position the screen so it faces their house, but you’ll also need to make sure to reduce glare or light interference. If you start screening a movie when the sun is setting, the experience will be unfavorable if everyone feels like they’re staring at the sun.
  •       Audio considerations. Many people who screen outdoor movies spend a lot of time getting the screen and projector just right while neglecting the audio, but the audio quality can make or break a movie watching experience. Spend time setting up and optimizing your outdoor speakers, and position them for an ideal audio balance. You may also want to tinker with the acoustics of your outdoor theater, positioning walls and other elements to create favorable resonance.
  •       Seating. Unless you plan on standing up and watching the movie, you’ll need some kind of seating in place. Depending on your goals and your audience, that might include setting up comfortable outdoor furniture or just laying down a blanket and camping out on the grass.

Laws and Regulations May Apply

Before you commit to a backyard movie night, understand that some laws and regulations may apply to you. For example, there may be noise ordinances that prevent you from generating too much noise after a certain time of night. If you live in an HOA, there may also be restrictions on what types of events you can host in your backyard.

Weather Can Ruin Your Best Plans

Always check the weather in the days leading up to your movie night plan, as bad weather can make watching a movie outside practically impossible. If you have a canopy, you might be able to still make things work, but otherwise, you’ll need to plan a rain date.

Comfort and Ambiance Can Boost the Experience

Outdoor movies are much more fun when they come with ample amenities and a comfortable environment.

  •       Pillows and blankets. If you want to step up the cozy factor, consider putting out some pillows and blankets. You can even encourage your guests to wear pajamas.
  •       Pest control. Mosquitos and other pests can interfere with guest comfort. Make sure you have some mitigation strategies in place, such as citronella candles, bug repellent, or incense.
  •       Snacks. No movie night is complete without snacks like popcorn, fun-sized candy bars, trail mix, or more complex dishes like sliders.
  •       Drinks. Similarly, you’ll want to have a cooler full of soft drinks (and/or alcoholic beverages) on standby. Refill as needed to keep guest thirsts quenched.
  •       Secondary lighting. The light from the screen should be the central focus of your backyard, but secondary lighting can help people see and navigate in the dark. Consider adding warm, soft lighting to illuminate the area.

Theme Nights Are a Crowd Favorite

Screening multiple movies that are tied together by a common theme is a common choice by outdoor movie night hosts. While not strictly necessary, theme nights are big crowd pleasers. You can go for a simple theme, like choosing a genre, or choose something more subtle and complex, such as choosing movies where the protagonist has a psychiatric disorder.

Games and Activities Can Break the Ice

If you’re inviting people to your house who haven’t met each other, or don’t know each other well, it’s a good idea to plan some icebreaker activities. Simple games and group activities like croquet or bocci ball could give your guests an opportunity to get to know each other before the first movie begins.

After hosting a few backyard movie nights, you’ll be a seasoned expert. You can start experimenting with different types of themes, different layouts, and even upgraded equipment. Just make sure to get audience feedback so your events remain fun for everyone.

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