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Dr. Omar Ibrahimi is an expert on the latest weight loss technologies. Learn whether or not you should consider trying coolsculpting treatment.

Dr. Omar Ibrahimi explains the benefits of coolsculpting

Blame it on the confinement of lockdown or genetics but most of us have those stubborn fatty lumps or bumps that we wish that we could just melt away. While CoolSculpting actually freezes fat and doesn’t melt it, it has become the gold standard non-surgical option to get rid of those stubborn areas that diet and exercise just cannot seem to reach.

CoolSculpting is the trade name for Cryolipolysis, which is a non-surgical body contouring technique. The technique is popular amongst celebrities and models. Keeping Up with the Kardashians star, Khloe Kardashian swears by the treatment and even underwent the procedure on the show. Whilst the procedure is not a substitute for traditional weight management, it does help with treating stubborn areas that you are unable to target via traditional methods.

What is CoolSculpting?

It is a non-invasive technique developed by Harvard dermatologists that uses closely monitored cooling to reduce fat in localized areas of the body. The frigid temperatures break down fat cells without compromising the integrity of other cells in the area. The procedure is conducted by a practitioner who vacuums the skin around the area of the fatty tissue.

The tissue is suctioned into an applicator that then begins to cool and break down the fat cells. The entire process is conducted without the need for anesthesia, needles, or incisions. However, patients do tend to feel a numbing sensation due to the cold temperature. Dr. Omar Ibrahimi, Director, Connecticut Skin Institute says that “This procedure is not liposuction, which until now has been the most effective way to remove fat cells. Liposuction involves surgery, anesthesia, incisions and mechanically removing the fat.”

Once the cooling process is complete, the area is typically massaged immediately after to break down any deep fat deposits. This also aids in helping the body to absorb the destroyed cells (this does not mean that you are reabsorbing the fat). The entire procedure can take as little as 35 minutes or a few hours– depending on the size of the area that is being treated. Patients leave the office and generally are able to resume work and activities immediately.

Is CoolSculpting Safe?

CoolSculpting was certified as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2012. The process is generally pain-free and requires no recovery time, no surgery, and carries very minimal risks, especially compared to more invasive surgical procedures. Some people have reported temporary side effects, which subsides over a few days after their treatment. The reported side effects included swelling, bruising, and sensitivity. Due to the cold temperatures used, CoolSculpting is not recommended for those who have shown severe sensitivity to the cold or patients that have a history of Raynaud’s disease.

Whilst the treatment is generally safe, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your doctor to ensure that you do not have any conditions that may conflict with the treatment process. Dr. Ibrahimi has stressed that “The success of the treatment requires a proper evaluation and assessment. Simply because an office has the device does not ensure a successful and natural outcome”.

What Areas Can Be Treated With CoolSculpting?

CoolSculping provides permanent results when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. Once the fat is broken down, it can reemerge if the patient does not make the necessary changes. Some of the most common areas to treat are:

  • The upper as well as the lower abdomen
  • The underneath of the buttocks
  • The inner and outer thighs
  • Flanks or love handles
  • The chin area or double chin area
  • Bra and back fat
  • Arms

Whilst various establishments do provide the treatment, the procedure does require the skills of an experienced physician. The Connecticut Skin Institute for example has the additional benefit in that its medical director, Dr. Omar Ibrahim was, in fact, one of the very first physicians in the U.S to offer the latest CoolSculpting Elite device which allows for faster and larger areas of treatment.

Final Thoughts

CoolSculping is an innovative complement to help your body look its best. Whilst the treatment is in no way a substitute for a healthy diet and active lifestyle, it does provide targeted results for stubborn areas. The process is safe and conducted with minimum discomfort when administered by an experienced professional. Whilst treatment times and results do vary, the feedback from patients and doctors is very positive. CoolSculpting is by far the leading method of non-invasive fat removal with over 11 million procedures performed worldwide.

The Connecticut Skin Institute now has the latest Coolsculpting elite devices, which allow for faster and larger areas of treatment.

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