CBD Isolate – What Is It and How to Use It
CBD products continue to become increasingly popular as more and more people realize the amazing benefits these non-psychoactive compounds derived from hemp can offer.
Companies are producing a vast amount of various CBD products that one can use in entirely different ways. Among the most popular ones are those that contain CBD isolate.
An odorless and almost tasteless CBD isolate is used in foods and beverages, gelcaps, edibles, softgels, etc. It’s becoming more popular every day.
So, what is the phenomenon of this highly versatile form of CBD? Keep on reading and dive into the world of cannabidiol with us.
What Is CBD Isolate?
CBD isolate is the purest form of cannabidiol – a chemical compound present in the cannabis plant. It comes in two forms: crystalline solids and powders, both of which are completely free of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. The absence of the psychoactive component of cannabis makes CBD isolate a perfect option for those who want to avoid any intoxicating effects.
How Is CBD Isolate Made?
Manufacturers produce CBD isolate using purification techniques. These processes include removing all of the terpenes, which are responsible for the odor, taste, and other differentiators.
Also, during the purification process, manufacturers separate unwanted cannabinoids, such as a well-known psychoactive one – THC. Finally, the process removes all the plant matter and leaves pure, isolated CBD in crystal form.
How Is CBD Isolate Used?
As we’ve already mentioned, due to its purity and lack of both odor and taste, CBD isolate is highly versatile. There are a great number of diverse products made from it. Some of the most popular methods using CBD isolate are:
- Absorbing it in capsules (don’t forget to store the capsules in a dry, cool, and sealed container)
- Infusing it into the foods or beverages (coffee, juice, smoothie, sauces, brownie batter, and other products of your choice)
- Taking it sublingually by putting the CBD powder underneath your tongue and holding it there for approximately one minute
- Vaping it
- Mixing CBD isolate with a high-fat oil and applying it to your skin
- Combining it with hemp flowers for a high effect.
Types of CBD Isolate
There are two main forms of CBD Isolate: liquid and powder. Each of the forms has its advantages. Let’s discuss them.
CBD Isolate Liquid
A liquid form of CBD isolate offers plenty of benefits. The same as with CBD oil, one can take it orally or infuse it into various foods and beverages.
CBD isolate liquid is a great choice for those caring for the convenience of taking CBD products orally. But what makes it so convenient?
The liquid contains the MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil that helps deliver it in the desired liquid form. Moreover, it also contains fatty acids that serve as carriers for CBD and help more of it reach your systems.
Though incompatible with vaporizers, the liquid form is extensively used as an addition to other consumer goods products.
CBD Isolate Powder
CBD isolate powder is all about versatility. A white crystalline offers a great number of choices when it comes to integrating it into your daily health regime. One can even use the powder to vape CBD.
The isolate powder is also a perfect option for those looking for the most concentrated CBD product available but who want to avoid detectable levels of THC.
What is more, a powdery form makes it very easy to measure desired daily doses.
Benefits of CBD Isolate
Due to its versatility and the absence of noticeable smell and taste, the purified version of the hemp extract is extremely well-liked. Check out the main benefits of CBD isolate.
Easier to Measure Out Doses
As the isolate is pure CBD, separated from other cannabinoids and plant chemicals, figuring out the dosage is extremely easy. Use a household scale to measure the dosage in milligrams, and thus you’ll know the exact amount of CBD you need.
Zero THC
This is one of the main reasons for it becoming so popular. For people worrying about THC entering their system and showing up on a potential drug test, CBD isolate is an ideal choice.
Powerful Antioxidant Effects
The powerful antioxidant effects of CBD isolate are beneficial in treating the symptoms of daily stress.
Helps Maintain Internal Balance
CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, synchronizing with it and thus stimulating CB1 and CB2 receptors in your body. This helps regulate stress responses, immunity, and hormones stimulating the body to create its own cannabinoids and maintain homeostasis (also known as internal balance.)
It’s Cheaper
If you’re looking for an affordable source of THC-free CBD oil, then CBD isolate is a perfect choice. It costs significantly less than other forms of commercial cannabinoids, like, for example, CBD tinctures.
Side Effects
CBD isolate is considered a completely low-risk substance, mainly because it doesn’t contain any THC. Some light adverse reactions may include
- fatigue
- irritability
- changes in appetite
- diarrhea
- changes in weight
- insomnia
Also, if you are undergoing a course of treatment, talk to your doctor before sticking to CBD isolate or other cannabis products. It can interact with prescribed medicines, over-the-counter medications, and even some dietary supplements.
The Bottom Line
CBD isolate is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to take advantage of the well-liked benefits of cannabis but who doesn’t want to ingest any tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
The popularity of CBD isolate is behind its versatility and convenience. One can use it in numerous ways, including vaping, infusing it into foods or beverages, absorbing it in capsules, combining it with hemp flowers for a high effect, etc.
Among the biggest benefits of CBD isolate are its powerful antioxidant effects, stress alleviation, affordable price, absence of THC, and easy dosage measurements.
Now that you already know how CBD isolate works, it’s time to give it a try and make it a great addition to your existing routine.