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Are you bored? Card games are a great way to pass the time while using your brain. Dive into our list of the best card games that you can't get bored of!

Top 5 Card Games That You Never Get Bored Of

There are some card games that are always fun and intriguing enough that you can play them for hours. It’s probably a secret in skillful creation, so some games are the perfect blend of competitive spirit, strategy, and the human need to win and escape boredom. 

There are card games that are timeless and defy boredom for centuries. Some are also modern, created in the internet age.  However, they all have in common no matter how often you play them – they are always equally fun and intriguing. In that way, you forget about boredom and problems and have fun. In addition, most card games are great for brain fitness and focus training.

We bring you a list of the top 5 timeless and always fun card games that you never get bored of and are great for family and children.


Although the first association is with card games – an evening with friends and relaxed socializing – sometimes we can and must have fun on our own. Solitaire is a great card game,  popularized by the expansion of PCs and the Internet. 

You can play it alone without a time limit or via a computer where you can choose between beginners, medium or hard level. The essence is the same online and offline. You have to line up a four-card deck, one deck for each suit. 

You stack the cards in alternating colors and in order from smallest to largest. Solitaire also engages motor skills and requires focus. It is an excellent choice when waiting for the bus, at the airport or some boring meetings.


War is a simple card game. Even the children who are just getting acquainted with the cards can play this game. It needs a classic deck of 52 cards. Neal Taparia, entrepreneur and creator of Spider Solitaire Challenge often plays War with his children and family. It helps them to focus and spend quality time together.

Although there are several versions, the most famous is one where two players divide the deck into two parts and draw cards. The one who draws the stronger card also appropriates the opponents. 

The winner is the one who first completes the deck and leaves the opponent without a single card. If they draw the same cards, then it is war, and both players draw two cards, which they alternately reveal. The principle remains the same. The winner is the one who has better cards.

Memory Game

Memory games are also a great option to introduce card games for children. It is a fun, fast, and kind of memory exercise. Although you can use any deck for this game – it is perhaps the simplest with the classic one of 52 cards. 

Arrange all the cards face down. The game starts when the player turns two cards face up and alternately clockwise. The goal is to find a pair of matching cards. The player who finds the matching cards – keeps them. 

When a player misses,  does not find a suitable card – he must memorize the position of that card for the next round. The winner is the player who collects the most matching cards, i.e. the one who best remembers where the matching card is.


Blackjack is a classy card game.  It is one of the favorite adult game choices and people who have a circle of regular friend players. Blackjack is fun, intriguing, and it is possible to play it with only two players. 

The cards are dealt alternately, one card face up, the other face down. Each player then looks at their card face down (does not show it to their opponents) and adds the value with the card face up. Then both players do it. The ultimate goal is the sum of being 21 or as close as possible to the sum of 21.

Numeric cards have the same point value.  However, face cards and aces are valued differently.  Kings and queens carry 10 points, while the Ace can be worth 1 or 11 points. 

If two players close together add up to 21, then they can choose between hitting or staying. If the player wants to hit  – the dealer gives him another card face down.  

The value of that card is added to the previously achieved result. If the player chooses to stay, he continues playing with the same cards and points already has. The winner of the round is the one who comes closest to 21 points or wins precisely that much. If both cards are worth 21 points –  the opponent is the winner of the round.

Blackjack is one of those games with many versions and options. You can choose depending on your knowledge and game levels. In any case, blackjack is a card game that is always cool and always brings good fun.

Crazy Eights

Crazy Eights is a relatively simple card game. Most of the time the game creates a relaxing atmosphere, but sometimes things can boil over. Crazy eights are also excellent card game choices for children to play with or for hangouts of different generations. 

Affordable, and above all fun, as its name suggests, the game involves five cards dealt with each player, and the rest of the deck serves as a stockpile.

When the player gets his turn to play and does not have the appropriate card, he must draw from the stockpile until he draws the propper card. Depending on luck or dealing, the player can deplete all the stock or get the appropriate card from the first one. If he runs out of all the cards in the stockpile the round is over for him. 


Most of these games are well-known classics. That means you will only need a standard card deck and at least one friend in the mood to play. 

Games such as War and Memory are simple, ideal for family and friendly gatherings. If you are alone or bored, solitaire is always there. 

With these games, you can easily have fun, relax, learn something and even improve your memory.

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