Everything About Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawyer
The camp Lejeune base is an underground water place that affects many people due to its toxicity. It is located in northern California and was established in 1941 year. The carelessness and continuous addition of chemical substances take many people’s life.
In the united state, camp Lejeune base is set for the training of amphibian combat. This water becomes toxic and creates severe diseases in the people who use it. And then, a law was passed related to these people known as the camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer.
This law supports people affected by that water for a specific duration. The eligible only can receive the money, which is the main point of this law.
Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer
Camp Lejeune is the base that affects many people’s life because of drinking its contaminated water. And to support affected people, the law passed, known as the camp Lejeune justice act.
For years, affected people struggled for their rights. But in 2o22, President Biden signed the camp Lejeune justice act. This act gives medical support to those affecters by the camp Lejeune water contamination.
According to this law, the people who get damaged by the contaminated water of the camp Lejeune can recover the money according to specific rules and regulations.
This means the civilians and veterans living there for the specified time can gain the damages returns. These people and their families bathed and drank this water conituonley that disturbed many lives.
All age people are affected by that water, including newborn Childs, women, men, etc.
Camp lejeune water contimantions
Many toxic substances combine to contaminate the camp Lejeune base water. Let’s discuss the camp lejeune water contimations.
- Tetrachloroethylene
It is a very toxic substance continuously added to the water of the camp Lejeune. This substance is also known as a dry cleaning agent.
- Vinyl Chloride
This substance is generally used to make the plastic products such as wire, cable coating, and pipes.
- Benzene
It is a flammable substance that is a component of crude oil.
Trichloroethylene is the metal degreaser.
These chemicals are included in the water of camp Lejeune by different sources. And then become of creating diseases in many people connected with that water base.
What to do if you have been affected
Many people do not know the steps they should take in case of affecting by such circumstances. If you have been involved in Lejeune contaminated water camp, then you need to take the given steps.
You should need to take legal representation. Firstly, contact Robert and Lewis, who are experienced in underground water-contaminated cases. So by connecting them, you will be to solve your issues soon legally.
Final words
In this article, we discuss the camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer and its connected other primary factors. Camp Lejeune is an underground water system that has continued for several reasons.
This contaminated water affects the camp Lejeune connected people badly. So to solve their issues, justice was signed in august 2022 by President Biden.