AOEAH Guide To Best Diablo 2 Resurrected Weapons Every Class To Keep
In Diablo 2 Resurrected, weapon choices can make or break a build. While some weapon types are class-specific, there are universal options that any character can wield to great effect. This guide outlines the best weapon types in Diablo 2 Resurrected that all classes should consider keeping based on their stats, availability of powerful runewords, and viability in both leveling and end-game experiences.
D2R Swords are one of the most versatile weapon types that any class can utilize. They have fast attack speeds and come in many varieties to suit different builds and level ranges. The powerful Spirit runeword makes D2R unique, rare, magic swords an excellent option for casters on a budget, while swords are also top choices for builds like Whirlwind Barbarians. Finding sword bases is easy since they frequently drop, making D2R unique, rare, magic swords an all-around solid weapon type worth keeping.
D2R Axes provide fast attacks and high damage potential thanks to their large damage ranges. As two-handed weapons, axes allow for multiple open sockets, making them prime bases for powerful runewords like Beast. While axes have high strength requirements, their raw damage output transforms any character with sufficient strength into fearsome warriors. Fury/Werewolf Druids in particular find axes to be their best weapon option.
Despite lacking runeword capabilities, javelins offer high damage values whether used for throwing or stabbing in melee range. Their ammunition may deplete quickly, but javelin heads are cheap to replenish. As such, javelins serve as excellent leveling weapon items for any class in normal difficulty. Amazon and Barbarian builds can also take javelins into end-game content by specializing their builds around these D2R items.
With wide-ranging attacks and generous socket bonuses, polearms make superb choices for Whirlwind Barbarians. Any character can also benefit from polearms by crafting the ubiquitous Insight runeword and wielding it on a Act 2 mercenary to solve mana issues. Their reach also allows polearm users to keep foes at a distance as melee weapons. Overall versatility and the Insight runeword option makes polearms a top pick.
While intended primarily for Necromancers, even blue-quality Diablo 2 unique wands may contain useful curses that benefit all characters. Curses like Amplify Damage, Lower Resist, and Decrepify remain potent options for surmounting immunities in hell difficulty. Because of their debuffing capabilities, Diablo 2 unique wands represent a go-to weapon swap choice for most builds. Their flexible utility far outweighs their lack of damage dealing potential.
Featuring fast attack speeds and inherent bonuses against the undead, maces serve melee characters well in clearing dungeons. Some maces also apply Crushing Blow for extra damage against tougher foes. As bases for the premier caster weapon Heart of the Oak, maces retain value. Their attack speeds and diverse selections make maces a worthy consideration for any class.
While not dealing damage themselves, shields represent a top defensive option in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Maximizing block chance forms a core part of surviving hell difficulty, and shields facilitate this through Dexterity bonuses. Of note is the versatile Spirit runeword, making shields useful even for casters seeking survivability and resistances. No character should overlook the survival advantages of wielded shields.
In closing, the above weapon types feature attributes that remain beneficial to any class throughout Diablo 2 Resurrected’s levels and late-game content. Their damage values, special abilities, prevalence of powerful runewords, and utility in leveling experiences make these weapons universally worthwhile keeps in any character’s stash. Mastering weapon swap tactics expands what these multi-purpose armaments can offer every adventurer in Sanctuary.