Filmmaker Jimmy Olsson’s newest short film ‘Alive’ captures our hearts
Filmmaker Jimmy Olsson isn’t afraid to jump in and get his hands dirty. Ever since he began working with film in 2002, he has been willing to try out any and all positions behind the camera. After attending film school in Stockholm, Sweden in 2004, Jimmy Olsson began his prolific career as a filmmaker.
Releasing his first short film, Leva, leva, leva in 2005, Jimmy Olsson has ten short film titles to his name, with work spanning from comedy to drama. His latest short film, Alive, is a sweet and captivating drama about love and overcoming obstacles.
Alive – trailer from Jimmy Olsson on Vimeo.
Wheelchair-bound Victoria begins to lament on all the things her life is missing when she meets her assistant, Ida’s charming boyfriend, Björn. When Victoria heartbreakingly speaks with Ida about her craving for a loving and close relationship, but that she’ll never have one with her needs, Ida decides to prove her wrong and to create a Tinder profile for Victoria.
Victoria’s quick match with Håkan is both exciting and nerve wracking. The subsequent drama that ensues had us completely enthralled in Victoria’s quest for a loving relationship.
Jimmy Olsson’s Alive was exactly the evocative drama we hope to experience in a short film. With empathetic characters and a storyline that had us instantly invested in Victoria’s quest for a loving relationship, we felt completely absorbed by Alive.
From the very first moment when Victoria meets Björn and watches him interact with Ida, we understood everything Victoria was feeling, just by looking at her. Jimmy Olsson’s Alive brought a dynamic, character-driven story that cut straight to our hearts.
Jimmy Olsson’s filmmaking style
Jimmy Olsson’s work in short films typically leans towards either comedy or dark drama with comedic elements. With a style that is adept at changing with the storyline, Jimmy Olsson brings an emotional experience out of each of his films’ actors, so they are able to completely embody their role.
Audiences can tell that Jimmy Olsson’s inspiration comes from strong dialogue and realistic performances by the film’s actors. With stories that draw his viewers in through character development, the importance of the connection between the actor and the audience is vital to Jimmy Olsson’s work.
Pulling from his inspirational filmmakers, Jimmy Olsson’s work brings in components from great artists like Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Tarkovskij, Roy Andersson, Michael Haneke, Fassbinder, the Dardenne brothers, and a true love of film as a whole.
Chiefly working to find the perfect “dramedy” balance, that reflects the highs and lows of everyday life, Jimmy Olsson knows that the best characters are full of depth that allows them to be the vehicle in which the story is told.
Jimmy Olsson’s 2020 is full of promise
Alive is just one of the short film releases that Jimmy Olsson has scheduled for 2020. While Alive is a more dramatic film, he is also releasing the comedy Whatever Happened to Ms. Longstocking this year as well.
Alive will be appearing in the film festival circuit for 2020, and Jimmy Olsson is currently financing his first feature film this year as well. While making his own films, from scriptwriting all the way to editing keeps Jimmy Olsson busy, he also directs commercials. To keep up with Jimmy Olsson’s newest work, follow his website or check him out on Instagram and Twitter.