Here’s why filmmakers need to enter the Global Nonviolent Film Festival
If you’re looking for a way to reach your audience online the Global Nonviolent Film Festival (previously known as Brasov International Film Festival & Market) is one of the the most important and renowned nonviolent film festivals. Annually it is streamed online over at it’s TV Channel on Vimeo. The world famous festival was established in 2012.
All the films presented are nonviolent: the festival does not present films that showcase explicit or graphic violence; implied acts of violence may be accepted if they are justified by the message of the film.
The festival was founded by film director Bruno Pischiutta and producer Daria Trifu in 2012, showcases nonviolent films and demonstrates how those movies are not only capable of great international success, but are also in high demand by the public.
In 2016, the two founders made film and internet history by bringing the Festival on-line exclusively and allowing, for the first time, the world viewers to enjoy all the selected films from the comfort of their homes on the Festival’s TV Channel on Vimeo.
Over the years, some of the filmmakers awarded here include: Nicole Kidman, Woody Allen, Richard Gere, Keira Knightley, Robert Redford, Sarah Jessica Parker, Woody Harrelson and Cameron Diaz among many others.
Since 2012, over 400 films have been screened and 150 have received illustrious awards. As the Global Nonviolent Film Festival is an online event, if selected your movies will be viewed by film professionals, media and the general public from all over the world. Here’s all the reasons to enter the festival. Visit the Festival’s IMDB profile.
The Global Nonviolent Film Festival has amazing media partners and a huge reach
The arts, entertainment and business magazine “DARIA!” is a partner and it features the complete guide of the Festival with interviews and articles about the participating films and filmmakers in its annual issue. The magazine is available online HERE and it is read by industry professionals, media and the general public since 2005.
The Festival has a social media presence with followers and viewers into the thousands via Twitter (+65,000 followers), on Facebook, on its Official TV Channel on Vimeo and on its website.
So many opportunities for people to watch your work
During the Festival, for 11 consecutive days each year, viewers from all over the world are able to watch:
- Tens of full-length feature films & documentaries, shorts, animation films and music videos selected from all over the world!
- FREE daily video presentations of 4/5 films from the line-up, with introduction by festival’s director Daria Trifu and commentary by festival’s artistic consultant Bruno Pischiutta.
- FREE trailers of the selected films.
The trailers of the films and the daily video presentations remain available online, on the Festival’s Vimeo On Demand Channel, for one year after each edition ends.
Plenty of chances to win awards
The Awards given by the Jury are announced on the Monday following the last day of the Festival. The Award’s video presentation is available on the Festival’s TV Channel on Vimeo.
Here’s everything you need to know about entering the contest.
Event date
September 24 – October 4, 2020
Submission deadline
August 22
Enter the film festival here or at Film Freeway.
Here’s what people have to say about the Global Nonviolent Film Festival event
“In such turbulent times, it is refreshing to work with such an experienced film festival that focuses on the important issues we face today. Thank you for giving a platform to so many filmmakers not following the Hollywood hype, and telling stories in alternative ways. We look forward to our continued collaboration in the future.”
—Marco Orsini, executive producer Dangerous Crossings: The Making of a Campaign produced in cooperation with the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR)
“Great Festival, Daria and Bruno really go that extra length to promote directors and filmmakers and to give the works an excellent visibility. Highly recommend it!”
—Flaminia Graziadei, director The Power of One Coin (UK)
“The Global Non-Violent FF is one of the world’s best on-line festivals as it is run by a passionate team whose communication is outstanding. They are one of the most organized and easy to cooperate with festivals and treat each film with the greatest respect, care and attention.”
—Rebekah Louisa Smith, founder of The Film Festival Doctor (UK)
“Wonderful online festival. This has been EPIC from day 1. Thanks for the support!! Tremendous support of films and filmmakers! Highly recommended.”
—Ed Hartman, director As The Earth Turns (USA)
“Great festival with great non-violent motives. I enjoyed lots of great films & learn about filmmakers around the world!”
—Alex Barbayanis, viewer (Greece)
“This is my favorite festival for sure!! Thank you, thank you for everything you do to make this such a success. Even the title of the festival is so warm and inviting. Always sad to see it end, but already looking forward to next year. You put on an amazing festival with an array of great films!! See you next year! Thanks again!!”
—Don Miller, producer If I Could Bark (USA)
“Not only the festival stands out because of its integrity and its great program, but Daria and Bruno give every filmmaker the information, attention and support he or she deserves. Thanks for everything, and keep up the good work with your beautiful festival.”
—Guido Verelst, director How Beautiful by Dez Mona (Belgium)