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Do you have habits that are unintentionally giving you a toothache? Give your oral hygiene a boost by ending these six damaging habits today.

6 common habits that can lead to a toothache

A toothache is a medical condition in which pain is felt through the teeth and nerves that can happen as a result of various reasons. It can be caused by anything from a piece of popcorn stuck in your gum to a chipped tooth or a bacterial infection. Some toothache may come from temporary gum irritation, but serious toothache need treatment by a dental professional to resolve the pain and whatever problem is causing it.

This article will uncover six habits that can lead to toothache and how to avoid them.

Eating too many sweet treats

The sugars in sweets can wear down your teeth and cause cavities. This, in turn, can lead to a toothache from exposing the nerves of the tooth to irritants or bacteria. Eating a balanced diet with a variety of foods is one way to keep your mouth healthy and thus prevent toothache from developing.


When the blood flow in the gums decreases, they are more likely to become irritated and swollen. This creates nooks and crannies where plaque can buildup and this can lead to cavities and eventually tooth decay. The lack of saliva production caused by smoking also makes teeth more susceptible to damage from acids found in food and drinks like fizzy drinks.

To prevent this, you could stop smoking altogether or at least refrain from smoking right before you eat.

Not visiting a dentist

In some cases, it can be tempting to push off going to the dentist’s office because dental visits are often costly and time-consuming. After all, you probably think if you’re not experiencing much pain, there’s no need to go. However, this can result in more serious problems like tooth loss and ultimately toothache due to the deterioration of teeth.

But you should still have at least one routine visit to a dentist each year, no matter if there is or isn’t an immediate problem. Get a full dental clean and a complete evaluation so that any issues can be treated in their early stages when they tend to be less expensive and more easily managed.

Before worrying about money or time spent at the dentist, think about how much it’ll cost you in the long run by putting off those unpleasant dental problems right away.

Not eating enough vegetables

Vegetables are full of nutrients that are good for your body. However, many people don’t know that vegetables are also good for your teeth. They help neutralize the acid that can lead to tooth decay, so it’s recommended to eat plenty of portions of vegetables every day. You can start by replacing one serving of sweets, chips, or cookies with something like carrots, celery, cucumber slices, or sugar snap peas.

Not getting enough sleep

Not getting enough sleep will affect how well you heal from the day’s events and how you deal with demands on your life. It will also cause pain in different parts of your mouth, for example in between your teeth, at the back of your mouth, cheek, jaw, or around your ears. A toothache from lack of sleep is often a telltale sign that something’s unbalanced in your life, and is something that you may need to address.

Not brushing or flossing teeth properly

Many people think it’s enough to brush their teeth with regular toothpaste, but unless they use a soft-bristled brush and give some time to brush thoroughly around their gums, plaque will build up, causing cavities and periodontitis, which can lead to toothache.

It is also important to floss after each meal. Flossing doesn’t just clean between teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach; it also gets rid of bacteria that cause gum diseases which could lead to infections. Though many may feel it’s a hassle, making sure you brush and floss your teeth after each meal is the best way to prevent cavities and other dental problems that can lead to toothache.

There is no guaranteed way to completely prevent toothache because pain can happen suddenly without warning. But taking good care of your teeth is the best way to minimize the risk. Therefore, it’s essential to avoid these common mistakes.

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