The Three Surprising Uses for Probiotics
While probiotics are nothing new on the market, their popularity has been increasing over time as people learn about the multitude of significant effects they can have on your body. In fact, probiotics were discovered back in the early 1900s by a Bulgarian physician and microbiologist. But despite being around for well over a century, studies show that only about 1.6 percent of adults in the United States take probiotics regularly. Perhaps this is due to a lack of education or just people being unaware of the positive changes probiotics can have on your body. And while this number is low, other studies reveal that probiotics are the third most commonly used dietary supplement, falling behind vitamins and minerals. These surprising uses for probiotics include probiotics for clear skin, weight loss, a healthier gut, and reduced allergies. Before we get into the benefits of probiotics, let’s go over some education about what probiotics are.
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are a mix of live bacteria and yeast that is already in your body. There are seven main types of microbial organisms that can be used in probiotics. Typically, many people who have heard of probiotics know what they are because doctors frequently suggest taking probiotics if you are taking an antibiotic. They are known for boosting health with good bacteria, which is essential in order to protect your digestive system from the harsh damage antibiotics can cause.
Probiotics are found naturally in some foods, especially fermented foods, including yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi, sourdough bread, and some cheeses. Although it is possible to get some probiotics from these different types of food, taking probiotics every day is a great way to support a healthy gut. So what other benefits are there from regularly taking a probiotic?
Clear Skin Party of One
One surprising reason to take probiotics is for the positive impact they can have on skin and complexion for those prone to acne breakouts. Probiotics can help balance out the skin, which may result in a reduction of acne pimples, improve redness and dryness, and reduce pore size. In fact, when taken regularly, studies show that probiotics reduce acne in 70 percent of men and females. Probiotics for clear skin can also help individuals with psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea.
Love Wellness takes probiotics for clear skin to the next level with a few added supplements that are also proven to help reduce acne. They have included zinc and Chaste Tree Berry in their probiotic, which helps minimize premenstrual acne. No need to continue using messy acne creams or products. Love Wellness’ probiotics for clear skin formula are far superior to your typical drugstore probiotic. Probiotics for clear skin are an easy way to improve your skin, and the best part is you only have to take one capsule daily, and the probiotic does not have to be refrigerated in between uses.
Weight Loss Coming Right Up
Another unexpected change you may see once starting probiotics is weight loss. Some probiotic products prevent the absorption of dietary fat in the intestine. So instead of storing the fat, your body gets rid of the dietary fat through the feces during bowel movements. Over time, studies have shown that individuals who regularly take probiotics to lose weight, which also results in a reduction of a person’s body mass index or BMI. Probiotics are essential to break down food in the gut. While this suggestion of weight loss with probiotics is still being researched, so far, all of the results point to successful weight loss during trials and studies.
More than Just Gut Health
Finally, the last use for antibiotics is improved gut health, which we discussed earlier. While many people know this general fact, it goes way beyond just essential gut health. Regularly taking a probiotic helps your digestive system, intestines, and gut. And because you are pumping your body with probiotics on the regular, it can relieve a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues and the symptoms that come with these issues. This can include improvements in diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The probiotic serves as a good bacteria, keeping the body balanced and healthy. This is because the probiotic reduces inflammation in the gut and helps keep it calm, which is no easy task!
Overall, probiotics seem to be the holy grail when it comes to health improvements. These include an improvement in acne, rosacea, and eczema in many who take probiotics. Probiotics can vastly reduce the number of symptoms a person may experience and help improve health and immunity overall. They can also help with weight loss and reduce stomach fat. And when it comes to gastrointestinal issues, probiotics aren’t here to mess around. Adding a probiotic to your routine will make you feel your best, no matter what life throws at you.