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Social Media Content Ideas for Your Healthcare Business

With social media becoming a trendsetter for the past few years, your healthcare business needs to leverage this moment to build a strong online presence. The virtual landscape offers endless opportunities to showcase your medical proficiency and dedication to patient care.

From sharing enlightening medical insights to broadcasting real success stories, each post has the potential to resonate with individuals seeking reliable guidance on their health journey. But the remaining big question is: What kind of content should you create?

Before you run out of motivation, we’ve listed seven social media content ideas suitable for your healthcare business. The following options can help you invest your time and budget for better and more impactful results. Let’s dive in!

#1. Explainer Videos and Motion Graphics

Explainer videos and motion graphics are dynamic and engaging ways to convey complex information or concepts using appealing visuals. Both are video content suitable for many social media platforms, from YouTube to TikTok.

An explainer video is a short clip explaining a topic, process, or idea, often using animations, voiceovers, and on-screen text to break down information step by step. Meanwhile, motion graphics are animated visuals and typography to present information creatively. 

For instance, you can explain the symptoms of big toe numbness and how to cure it through short explainer videos or motion graphics. Both are highly effective for simplifying medical procedures, explaining how treatments work, or outlining the benefits of certain healthcare services.

#2. Static or Animated Infographics

Infographics can be a content alternative if you want to post engaging and valuable visuals in your marketing channels. They are still images often referred to as visual representations of data security, information, or other complex content.

Graphics, illustrations, and typography help you present information in a more appealing and easy-to-understand format. For example, you can create illustrations on how to crack your lower back safely, along with brief explanations of each step.

Moreover, you can level up your content with animated infographics by guiding the viewer’s attention through the information using motion. Both infographics offer a compelling way to share valuable insights, making your social media content more educational and shareable.

#3. Clients Success Stories

Client success stories are patient testimonials. This content consists of narratives highlighting the positive experiences and outcomes your patients have achieved through your healthcare services. 

For instance, you can share a clip of your client sharing his story when overcoming facet joint syndrome at your clinic. Allow your patients to share their positive experience and build a story about how your treatment or service helps improve their lives.

Sharing these stories on social media provides real-life examples and creates a sense of trust and credibility. These stories can range from overcoming health challenges to achieving personal goals with the help of your medical guidance. 

#4. Trending Health Topics

As you work in the medical industry, staying up-to-date with current discussions and news in the healthcare field is mandatory. Social media lets you get the latest healthcare news, from orthopedics to mental health issues.

When there’s a new issue, you can bring it up through interactive posts, such as polls and simple Q&A, to evoke audience participation. Ask for their opinions or experiences related to the matter, and give your response. 

At the end of the session, you can give your answer from trustable sources like journals and experts. By participating in conversations around trending health topics, your healthcare business can establish itself as a knowledgeable and authoritative source of information. 

This strategy showcases your expertise and demonstrates your engagement with the ever-evolving healthcare landscape. Sharing your perspective on trending health topics helps build your reputation and attract followers who value your insights.

#5. Ask-the-Expert Sessions

Ensure you provide ask-the-expert sessions as interactive social media events. As a healthcare professional, consider answering questions from your followers in real time. This can be live video sessions, Twitter chats, or Facebook Q&A posts.

You can choose a topic for each session, such as how to cure knee popping for adults or natural medicines for migraines with natural ingredients. These sessions offer a personal connection between you and your audience, allowing them to seek advice from an expert. 

Moreover, ask-the-expert sessions encourage active participation, help address common health queries, and foster community among your followers. You can host this session once or twice weekly for the best engagement.

#6. Experts Quotes

After hosting a Q&A, ask-the-expert, or webinar session, there must be times when you or your expert guests share valuable messages. You can quote informative or fact-based statements and turn them into visuals.

Experts’ quotes are visual content conveying insightful and thought-provoking statements from healthcare professionals, including yourself. These quotes can cover various topics, from general health and wellness advice to more specialized medical insights. 

When paired with eye-catching visuals or relevant images, experts’ quotes become shareable and can inspire discussions among your followers. These quotes also position you and your healthcare business as a source of valuable knowledge.

#7. Case Studies Visuals

Case studies visuals present real-life examples of patient experiences and outcomes through text, images, and possibly videos. Case studies provide in-depth narratives of patient journeys, highlighting challenges, treatments, and results. 

For example, you can share short clips or a series of images on how your treatment helps minimize night arm pain and promote a better way of resting. Support your content with data-based information and customer testimonials.

Moreover, these visual case studies on social media can show before-and-after images, illustrate treatment processes, and describe the positive impact on patients’ lives. Visuals enhance storytelling, making the case studies more engaging and relatable. 


Utilizing social media as one of your marketing channels seems necessary today. As people engage deeply in visual content, you should leverage this moment by creating valuable and visually appealing posts for audiences.

Moreover, consistency is key when running social media marketing. Ensure you regularly create and share your content to stay active and foster engagement with your followers. 

The above content ideas can help you create fresh content for your healthcare business. On top of that, continually optimize your visual content with keyword-friendly captions and titles to boost its visibility on online platforms.

Author Bio

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

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